Marcelo Raschi
Marcelo Raschi
Scientific Computing Specialist, CIMNE
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Aneurysm rupture following treatment with flow-diverting stents: computational hemodynamics analysis of treatment
JR Cebral, F Mut, M Raschi, E Scrivano, R Ceratto, P Lylyk, CM Putman
American journal of neuroradiology 32 (1), 27-33, 2011
Suggested connections between risk factors of intracranial aneurysms: a review
JR Cebral, M Raschi
Annals of biomedical engineering 41, 1366-1383, 2013
Association between hemodynamic conditions and occlusion times after flow diversion in cerebral aneurysms
F Mut, M Raschi, E Scrivano, C Bleise, J Chudyk, R Ceratto, P Lylyk, ...
Journal of neurointerventional surgery 7 (4), 286-290, 2015
CFD and PIV analysis of hemodynamics in a growing intracranial aneurysm
M Raschi, F Mut, G Byrne, CM Putman, S Tateshima, F Viñuela, T Tanoue, ...
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 28 (2 …, 2012
Analysis of hemodynamics and aneurysm occlusion after flow-diverting treatment in rabbit models
JR Cebral, F Mut, M Raschi, S Hodis, YH Ding, BJ Erickson, R Kadirvel, ...
American Journal of Neuroradiology 35 (8), 1567-1573, 2014
Analysis of flow changes in side branches jailed by flow diverters in rabbit models
JR Cebral, M Raschi, F Mut, YH Ding, D Dai, R Kadirvel, D Kallmes
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 30 (10 …, 2014
Strategy for modeling flow diverters in cerebral aneurysms as a porous medium
M Raschi, F Mut, R Löhner, JR Cebral
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 30 (9 …, 2014
High performance reduction technique for multiscale finite element modeling (HPR-FE2): Towards industrial multiscale FE software
M Raschi, O Lloberas-Valls, A Huespe, J Oliver
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 375, 113580, 2021
High performance reduced order modeling techniques based on optimal energy quadrature: application to geometrically non-linear multiscale inelastic material modeling
M Caicedo, JL Mroginski, S Toro, M Raschi, A Huespe, J Oliver
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 26, 771-792, 2019
Growth model for cholesterol accumulation in the wall of a simplified 3D geometry of the carotid bifurcation
VC Gessaghi, MA Raschi, DY Tanoni, CA Perazzo, AE Larreteguy
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 200 (23-24), 2117-2125, 2011
Un programa general de elementos finitos en paralelo
GC Buscaglia, EA Dari, AJ Lew, MA Raschi
Mecánica Computacional, 845-854, 1999
Strategy for analysis of flow diverting devices based on multi‐modality image‐based modeling
JR Cebral, F Mut, M Raschi, YH Ding, R Kadirvel, D Kallmes
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 30 (10 …, 2014
Influence of arterial geometry on a model for growth rate of atheromas
VC Gessaghi, MA Raschi, AE Larreteguy
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 90, 012046, 2007
Influence of arterial pressure on a model for cholesterol accumulation and intimal growth
VC Gessaghi, M Raschi, CA Perazzo, AE Larreteguy
Mecánica Computacional, 3339-3349, 2008
Influencia de las características reológicas y no estacionarias del flujo sanguíneo en un modelo de crecimiento de placas ateroscleróticas
VC Gessaghi, MA Raschi, AE Larreteguy, CA Perazzo
Mecánica Computacional 25, 759-771, 2006
Flow pattern effect on the initial shape of the atheroma
VC Gessaghi, M Raschi, CA Perazzo, AE Larreteguy
Mecánica Computacional, 3745-3476, 2007
Flow diversion in rabbit aneurysm models
JR Cebral, F Mut, M Raschi, R Kadirvel, D Kallmes
Summer Bioengineering Conference 55607, V01AT18A003, 2013
Computational modeling of flow diverting devices in intracranial aneurysms
MA Raschi
George Mason University, 2013
Modelado Multiescala de Materiales Utilizando Técnicas HR-FE2
O Lloberas-Valls, M Raschi, AE Huespe, J Oliver
Mecánica Computacional 37 (3), 47-47, 2019
Analysis of blood flow through side branches jailed by flow diverters in rabbit models
JR Cebral, F Mut, M Raschi, R Kadirvel, D Kallmes
Summer Bioengineering Conference 55614, V01BT57A002, 2013
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Articles 1–20