Andreas Möller
Cited by
Cited by
The mobile fitness coach: Towards individualized skill assessment using personalized mobile devices
M Kranz, A Möller, N Hammerla, S Diewald, T Plötz, P Olivier, L Roalter
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 9 (2), 203-215, 2013
Don’t look at me that way!–Understanding User Attitudes Towards Data Glasses Usage
M Koelle, M Kranz, A Möller
MobileHCI, 2015
GymSkill: A Personal Trainer for Physical Exercises
A Möller, L Roalter, S Diewald, J Scherr, M Kranz, N Hammerla, P Olivier, ...
PerCom 2012, 2012
Update Behavior in App Markets and Security Implications: A Case Study in Google Play
A Möller, S Diewald, L Roalter, F Michahelles, M Kranz
3rd workshop on Research in the large at MobileHCI 2012, 2012
A Mobile Indoor Navigation System Interface Adapted to Vision-Based Localization
A Möller, M Kranz, R Huitl, S Diewald, L Roalter
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous …, 2012
Investigating Self-Reporting Behavior In Long-Term Studies
A Möller, M Kranz, B Schmid, L Roalter, S Diewald
SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2013), 2013
Gameful design in the automotive domain: review, outlook and challenges
S Diewald, A Möller, L Roalter, T Stockinger, M Kranz
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2013
A middleware for intelligent environments and the internet of things
L Roalter, M Kranz, A Möller
International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, 267-281, 2010
Mobile Device Integration and Interaction in the Automotive Domain
S Diewald, A Möller, L Roalter, M Kranz
AutoNUI: Automotive Natural User Interfaces Workshop at the 3rd …, 2011
Experimental Evaluation of User Interfaces for Visual Indoor Navigation
A Möller, M Kranz, S Diewald, L Roalter, R Huitl, T Stockinger, M Koelle, ...
SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014), 2014
DriveAssist–A V2X-Based Driver Assistance System for Android
S Diewald, A Möller, L Roalter, M Kranz
Workshop "Automotive HMI" at "Mensch und Computer 2012", 2012
Fast Relocalization for Visual Odometry Using Binary Features
J Straub, S Hilsenbeck, G Schroth, R Huitl, A Möller, E Steinbach
20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2548-2552, 2013
Scale-preserving long-term visual odometry for indoor navigation
S Hilsenbeck, A Möller, R Huitl, G Schroth, M Kranz, E Steinbach
Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2012 International …, 2012
Developing Intelligent Environments: A Development Tool Chain for Creation, Testing and Simulation of Smart and Intelligent Environments
L Roalter, A Möller, S Diewald, M Kranz
Intelligent Environments (IE), 2011 7th International Conference on, 214-221, 2011
Gamification-supported Exploration and Practicing for Automotive User Interfaces and Vehicle Functions
S Diewald, A Möller, T Stockinger, L Roalter, M Koelle, P Lindemann, ...
Gamification in Education and Business, 2014
MobiMed: Comparing Object Identification Techniques on Smartphones
A Möller, S Diewald, L Roalter, M Kranz
7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI 2012 …, 2012
Towards a holistic approach for mobile application development in intelligent environments
S Diewald, L Roalter, A Möller, M Kranz
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous …, 2011
MobiliNet: A Social Network for Optimized Mobility
S Diewald, A Möller, L Roalter, M Kranz
Proceedings of the Social Car Workshop at AutoUI 2012, 2012
Towards Leveraging Behavioral Economics in Mobile Application Design
T Stockinger, M Koelle, P Lindemann, M Kranz, S Diewald, A Möller, ...
Gamification in Education and Business, 2014
MobiDics–Improving University Education With A Mobile Didactics Toolbox
A Möller, A Thielsch, B Dallmeier, L Roalter, S Diewald, A Hendrich, ...
Video Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pervasive Computing …, 2011
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Articles 1–20