Jason W Miller
Jason W Miller
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Theorizing, testing, and concluding for mediation in SCM research: Tutorial and procedural recommendations
M Rungtusanatham, JW Miller, KK Boyer
Journal of Operations Management 32 (3), 99-113, 2014
A trail guide to publishing success: tips on writing influential conceptual, qualitative, and survey research
SE Fawcett, MA Waller, JW Miller, MA Schwieterman, BT Hazen, ...
Journal of Business Logistics 35 (1), 1-16, 2014
Extensions of the Johnson-Neyman technique to linear models with curvilinear effects: Derivations and analytical tools
JW Miller, WR Stromeyer, MA Schwieterman
Multivariate behavioral research 48 (2), 267-300, 2013
Measurement and moderation: Finding the boundary conditions in logistics and supply chain research
TJ Goldsby, A Michael Knemeyer, JW Miller, CM Wallenburg
Journal of Business Logistics 34 (2), 109-116, 2013
Linking business strategy to service failures and financial performance: Empirical evidence from the US domestic airline industry
M Mellat-Parast, D Golmohammadi, KL McFadden, JW Miller
Journal of Operations Management 38, 14-24, 2015
A new look at the longitudinal relationship between motor carrier financial performance and safety
JW Miller, JP Saldanha
Journal of Business Logistics 37 (3), 284-306, 2016
The prowess and pitfalls of Bayesian structural equation modeling: Important considerations for management research
WR Stromeyer, JW Miller, R Sriramachandramurthy, R DeMartino
Journal of Management 41 (2), 491-520, 2015
How Does Driver Turnover Affect Motor Carrier Safety Performance and What Can Managers Do About It?
JW Miller, JP Saldanha, M Rungtusanatham, M Knemeyer
Journal of Business Logistics 38 (3), 197-216, 2017
A Primer on Moderated Mediation Analysis: Exploring Logistics Involvement in New Product Development
R Calantone, JM Whipple, JF Wang, H Sardashti, JW Miller
Journal of Business Logistics 38 (3), 151-169, 2017
Unintended responses to IT‐enabled monitoring: The case of the electronic logging device mandate
A Scott, A Balthrop, JW Miller
Journal of Operations Management 67 (2), 152-181, 2021
Editorial commentary: Addressing confusion in the diffusion of archival data research
JW Miller, B Davis-Sramek, BS Fugate, M Pagell, BB Flynn
Journal of Supply Chain Management 57 (3), 130-146, 2021
Reconciling Alternative Theories for the Safety of Owner–Operators
JW Miller, SL Golicic, BS Fugate
Journal of Business Logistics 39 (2), 101-122, 2018
Understanding the present by examining the past: Imprinting effects on supply chain outsourcing in a transition economy
B Davis‐Sramek, BS Fugate, J Miller, R Germain, A Izyumov, K Krotov
Journal of Supply Chain Management 53 (1), 65-86, 2017
How Organizations Respond to Information Disclosure: Testing Alternative Longitudinal Performance Trajectories
J Miller, B Fugate, S Golicic
Academy of Management Journal 60 (3), 1016-1042, 2017
Exploring Longitudinal Industry‐Level Large Truckload Driver Turnover
JW Miller, Y Bolumole, WA Muir
Journal of Business Logistics 42 (4), 428-450, 2021
A Multivariate Time‐Series Examination of Motor Carrier Safety Behaviors
JW Miller
Journal of Business Logistics 38 (4), 266-289, 2017
Learning by applying: The case of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
J Miller, MM Parast
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 66 (3), 337-353, 2019
ERP System versus Standalone Enterprise Applications in the Mitigation of Operational Glitches
A Tenhiälä, M Rungtusanatham, JW Miller
Decision Sciences Journal 49 (3), 407-444, 2018
Combining formal controls to improve firm performance
JW Miller, JP Saldanha, CS Hunt, JE Mello
Journal of Business Logistics 34 (4), 301-318, 2013
An examination of the effects of omni-channel service offerings on retailer performance
AL Jones, JW Miller, SE Griffis, JM Whipple, CM Voorhees
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 52 (2 …, 2022
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