Skafti Brynjólfsson
Skafti Brynjólfsson
Geologist, Icelandic Institute of Natural History
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Glacial geological studies of surge-type glaciers in Iceland—Research status and future challenges
Ó Ingólfsson, ÍÖ Benediktsson, A Schomacker, KH Kjær, S Brynjólfsson, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 152, 37-69, 2016
Cosmogenic 36Cl exposure ages reveal a 9.3 ka BP glacier advance and the Late Weichselian-Early Holocene glacial history of the Drangajökull region, northwest Iceland
S Brynjólfsson, A Schomacker, Ó Ingólfsson, JK Keiding
Quaternary Science Reviews 126, 140-157, 2015
Geomorphology and the Little Ice Age extent of the Drangajökull ice cap, NW Iceland, with focus on its three surge-type outlets
S Brynjólfsson, A Schomacker, Ó Ingólfsson
Geomorphology 213, 292-304, 2014
Unchanged surface morphology in debris-covered glaciers and rock glaciers in Tröllaskagi peninsula (northern Iceland)
LM Tanarro, D Palacios, N Andrés, JM Fernández-Fernández, ...
Science of the total environment 648, 218-235, 2019
Surge fingerprinting of cirque glaciers at the Tröllaskagi peninsula, North Iceland
S Brynjolfsson, Ó Ingólfsson, A Schomacker
Jökull 62, 151-166, 2012
Ancient sedimentary DNA shows rapid post-glacial colonisation of Iceland followed by relatively stable vegetation until the Norse settlement (Landnám) AD 870
IG Alsos, Y Lammers, SE Kjellman, MKF Merkel, EM Bender, A Rouillard, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 259, 106903, 2021
A 300-year surge history of the Drangajökull ice cap, northwest Iceland, and its maximum during the ‘Little Ice Age’
S Brynjólfsson, A Schomacker, ER Guðmundsdóttir, Ó Ingólfsson
The Holocene 25 (7), 1076-1092, 2015
The Drangajökull ice cap, northwest Iceland, persisted into the early-mid Holocene
A Schomacker, S Brynjólfsson, JM Andreassen, ER Gudmundsdóttir, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 148, 68-84, 2016
The rapid deglaciation of the Skagafjörður fjord, northern Iceland
N Andrés, D Palacios, Þ Sæmundsson, S Brynjólfsson, ...
Boreas 48 (1), 92-106, 2019
Reversible glacial-periglacial transition in response to climate changes and paraglacial dynamics: a case study from Héðinsdalsjökull (northern Iceland)
D Palacios, M Rodríguez-Mena, JM Fernández-Fernández, ...
Geomorphology 388, 107787, 2021
Holocene precipitation seasonality in northern Svalbard: Influence of sea ice and regional ocean surface conditions
SE Kjellman, A Schomacker, EK Thomas, L Håkansson, S Duboscq, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 240, 106388, 2020
Constraints on the timing of debris-covered and rock glaciers: An exploratory case study in the Hólar area, northern Iceland
JM Fernández-Fernández, D Palacios, N Andrés, I Schimmelpfennig, ...
Geomorphology 361, 107196, 2020
High sensitivity of North Iceland (Tröllaskagi) debris-free glaciers to climatic change from the ‘Little Ice Age’to the present
JM Fernández-Fernández, N Andrés, Þ Sæmundsson, S Brynjólfsson, ...
The Holocene 27 (8), 1187-1200, 2017
A multi-proxy approach to Late Holocene fluctuations of Tungnahryggsjökull glaciers in the Tröllaskagi peninsula (northern Iceland)
JM Fernández-Fernández, D Palacios, N Andrés, I Schimmelpfennig, ...
Science of the Total Environment 664, 499-517, 2019
Holocene tephrostratigraphy in vestfirðir, NW Iceland
ER Gudmundsdóttir, A Schomacker, S Brynjólfsson, Ó Ingólfsson, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 33 (7), 827-839, 2018
Geomorphology and surficial geology of the Femmilsjøen area, northern Spitsbergen
L Allaart, A Schomacker, LM Håkansson, WR Farnsworth, S Brynjólfsson, ...
Geomorphology 382, 107693, 2021
Glacial history of the Åsgardfonna Ice Cap, NE Spitsbergen, since the last glaciation
L Allaart, A Schomacker, NK Larsen, E Nørmark, TA Rydningen, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 251, 106717, 2021
Cross-cutting palaeo-ice streams in NE-Iceland reveal shifting Iceland Ice Sheet dynamics
ÍÖ Benediktsson, N Aradóttir, Ó Ingólfsson, S Brynjólfsson
Geomorphology 396, 108009, 2022
Origins of the divergent evolution of mountain glaciers during deglaciation: Hofsdalur cirques, Northern Iceland
LM Tanarro, D Palacios, JM Fernández-Fernández, N Andrés, M Oliva, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 273, 107248, 2021
Vedde Ash constrains Younger Dryas glacier re-advance and rapid glacio-isostatic rebound on Svalbard
WR Farnsworth, Ó Ingólfsson, ES Mannerfelt, MH Kalliokoski, ...
Quaternary Science Advances 5, 100041, 2022
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