Fotis Paraskevopoulos
Fotis Paraskevopoulos
Information Management Unit, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
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Cited by
Severity: a QoS-aware approach to cloud application elasticity
A Tsagkaropoulos, Y Verginadis, N Papageorgiou, F Paraskevopoulos, ...
Journal of Cloud Computing 10 (1), 45, 2021
Prestocloud: a novel framework for data-intensive multi-cloud, fog, and edge function-as-a-service applications
Y Verginadis, D Apostolou, S Taherizadeh, I Ledakis, G Mentzas, ...
Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ) 34 (1), 66-85, 2021
Combining activity metrics and contribution topics for software recommendations
K Christidis, F Paraskevopoulos, D Panagiotou, G Mentzas
2012 Third International Workshop on Recommendation Systems for Software …, 2012
A playful affinity space for creative research
K Star, F Paraskevopoulos, M Taramigkou, D Apostolou, M Schot, ...
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition …, 2015
Creative user centric inspirational search
F Paraskevopoulos, M Taramigkou, E Bothos, D Apostolou, G Mentzas
Companion Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Intelligent …, 2014
Knowledge-based interaction in software development
D Panagiotou, F Paraskevopoulos, G Mentzas
Intelligent Decision Technologies 5 (2), 163-175, 2011
Fostering Human-AI Collaboration with Digital Intelligent Assistance in Manufacturing SMEs
S Wellsandt, M Foosherian, A Bousdekis, B Lutzer, F Paraskevopoulos, ...
IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems …, 2023
Leveraging user inspiration with microblogging-driven exploratory search
M Taramigkou, F Paraskevopoulos, E Bothos, D Apostolou, G Mentzas
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops: CAiSE 2014 International …, 2014
A Peer to Peer Architecture for a Distributed User Model.
F Paraskevopoulos, G Mentzas
UMAP Workshops, 2014
Creative Information Exploration in Journalism
K Zachos, D Apostolou, F Paraskevopoulos, S Ientsek, N Maiden, ...
2018 9th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and …, 2018
Designing Computational Systems for Serendipity in Learning
M Taramigkou, F Paraskevopoulos, E Bothos, D Apostolou, G Mentzas
Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact: 8th European Conference, on …, 2013
1st iteration prototype of the profiler
D Panagiotou, F Paraskevopoulos, C Christidis
ALERT conceptual architecture
J Ma, L Stojanovic, S Sen, D Anicic, F Ortega, L Cañas, G Leban, M Rihtar, ...
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Articles 1–13