Bradley Barnhart
Bradley Barnhart
Senior Research Scientist, National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI)
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Cited by
Climate change and stream temperature projections in the Columbia River basin: habitat implications of spatial variation in hydrologic drivers
DL Ficklin, BL Barnhart, JH Knouft, IT Stewart, EP Maurer, SL Letsinger, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (12), 4897-4912, 2014
SWAT hydrologic model parameter uncertainty and its implications for hydroclimatic projections in snowmelt-dependent watersheds
DL Ficklin, BL Barnhart
Journal of hydrology 519, 2081-2090, 2014
Spatial targeting of agri-environmental policy using bilevel evolutionary optimization
G Whittaker, R Färe, S Grosskopf, B Barnhart, M Bostian, ...
Omega 66, 15-27, 2017
Empirical mode decomposition applied to solar irradiance, global temperature, sunspot number, and CO2 concentration data
BL Barnhart, WE Eichinger
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 73 (13), 1771-1779, 2011
The Hilbert-Huang transform: theory, applications, development
BL Barnhart
The University of Iowa, 2011
Valuing water quality tradeoffs at different spatial scales: An integrated approach using bilevel optimization
M Bostian, G Whittaker, B Barnhart, R Färe, S Grosskopf
Water Resources and Economics 11, 1-12, 2015
Analysis of sunspot variability using the Hilbert–Huang transform
BL Barnhart, WE Eichinger
Solar Physics 269, 439-449, 2011
Cumulative effects of low impact development on watershed hydrology in a mixed land-cover system
N Hoghooghi, HE Golden, BP Bledsoe, BL Barnhart, AF Brookes, ...
Water 10 (8), 991, 2018
Application of index number theory to the construction of a water quality index: Aggregated nutrient loadings related to the areal extent of hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico
G Whittaker, B Barnhart, R Färe, S Grosskopf
Ecological Indicators 49, 162-168, 2015
Embedding co-production and addressing uncertainty in watershed modeling decision-support tools: Successes and challenges
BL Barnhart, HE Golden, JR Kasprzyk, JJ Pauer, CE Jones, KA Sawicz, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 109, 368-379, 2018
Electron densities in Jupiter's outer magnetosphere determined from Voyager 1 and 2 plasma wave spectra
BL Barnhart, WS Kurth, JB Groene, JB Faden, O Santolik, DA Gurnett
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 114 (A5), 2009
Modeling the hydrologic effects of watershed-scale green roof implementation in the Pacific Northwest, United States
B Barnhart, P Pettus, J Halama, R McKane, P Mayer, K Djang, A Brookes, ...
Journal of environmental management 277, 111418, 2021
Cost of areal reduction of gulf hypoxia through agricultural practice
G Whittaker, BL Barnhart, R Srinivasan, JG Arnold
Science of the Total Environment 505, 149-153, 2015
A new eddy-covariance method using empirical mode decomposition
BL Barnhart, WE Eichinger, JH Prueger
Boundary-layer meteorology 145, 369-382, 2012
Methods for improving accuracy and extending results beyond periods covered by traditional ground-truth in remote sensing classification of a complex landscape
GW Mueller-Warrant, GW Whittaker, GM Banowetz, SM Griffith, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 38 …, 2015
Incorporating data envelopment analysis solution methods into bilevel multi-objective optimization
M Bostian, G Whittaker, A Sinha, B Barnhart
2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1667-1674, 2015
MOESHA: A genetic algorithm for automatic calibration and estimation of parameter uncertainty and sensitivity of hydrologic models
BL Barnhart, KA Sawicz, DL Ficklin, GW Whittaker
Transactions of the ASABE 60 (4), 1259-1269, 2017
Handling practicalities in agricultural policy optimization for water quality improvements
B Barnhart, Z Lu, M Bostian, A Sinha, K Deb, L Kurkalova, M Jha, ...
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 1065-1072, 2017
Assessing discontinuous data using ensemble empirical mode decomposition
BL Barnhart, HKW Nandage, W Eichinger
Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis 3 (04), 483-491, 2011
Improved stream temperature simulations in SWAT using NSGA-II for automatic multi-site calibration
BL Barnhart, GW Whittaker, DL Ficklin
Transactions of the ASABE 57 (2), 517-530, 2014
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Articles 1–20