Carolin Demuth
Cited by
Cited by
The multi-voicedness of independence and interdependence: The case of the Cameroonian Nso
H Keller, C Demuth, RD Yovsi
Culture & Psychology 14 (1), 115-144, 2008
Talking to infants: How culture is instantiated in early mother-infant interactions. The case of Cameroonian farming Nso and North German middle-class families
C Demuth
Cultural models in communication with infants: Lessons from Kikaikelaki, Cameroon and Muenster, Germany
C Demuth, H Keller, RD Yovsi
Journal of Early Childhood Research 10 (1), 70-87, 2012
Qualitative methodology in developmental psychology
C Demuth, G Mey
International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences 19, 668-675, 2015
New directions in qualitative research in psychology
C Demuth
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 49, 125-133, 2015
Therapists’ experiences in their work with sex offenders and people with pedophilia: A literature review
MH Bach, C Demuth
Europe's journal of psychology 14 (2), 498, 2018
Narrative inquiry: an interview with Michael Bamberg
M Bamberg, C Demuth
Europe's Journal of Psychology 12 (1), 14, 2016
Generalization from single cases and the concept of double dialogicality
C Demuth
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 52 (1), 77-93, 2018
Socializing infants toward a cultural understanding of expressing negative affect: A Bakhtinian informed discursive psychology approach
C Demuth
Mind, Culture, and Activity 20 (1), 39-61, 2013
“Slow food” post-qualitative research in psychology: Old craft skills in new disguise?
C Demuth
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 49, 207-215, 2015
The future of qualitative research in psychology-a discussion with Svend brinkmann, Günter Mey, Luca Tateo, and Anete strand
C Demuth, T Terkildsen
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 49, 135-161, 2015
Culture, learning, and adult development
C Demuth, H Keller
The Oxford Handbook of Reciprocal Adult Development and Learning (2nd …, 2011
Further Explorations of the" Western Mind". Euro-American and German Mothers' and Grandmothers' Ethnotheories
H Keller, C Demuth
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research 7 (1), 2006
The Cambridge handbook of identity
M Bamberg, C Demuth, M Watzlawik
Cambridge University Press, 2021
Memories of me: Comparisons from Osnabrueck (Germany) and Delhi (India) students and their mothers
C Demuth, N Chaudhary, H Keller
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 45, 48-67, 2011
„Ich nehme das beste von beidem “–Ethnotheorien türkisch-stämmiger Mütter in Deutschland
C Demuth, M Root, S Gerwing
Frühe Kindheit in der Migrationsgesellschaft: Erziehung, Bildung und …, 2015
Ensuring rigor in qualitative research within the field of cross-cultural psychology
C Demuth
Comparative qualitative research in cultural psychology: Challenges und potentials
C Demuth, M Fatigante
Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung 13 (1-2), 13-37, 2012
Mother-child communication: cultural differences
C Demuth
International encyclopedia of social and behavioral sciences 8, 874-880, 2015
Der „Mainzer Längsschnitt “–Systematische Methodenintegration zum tieferen Verständnis kultureller Entwicklungspfade
C Demuth
ZQF–Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung 12 (1), 11-12, 2012
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Articles 1–20