Angelos Antonopoulos
Angelos Antonopoulos
R&I Director at Nearby Computing
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Cited by
"Green" distance-aware base station sleeping algorithm in LTE-Advanced
A Bousia, A Antonopoulos, L Alonso, C Verikoukis
Communications (ICC), 2012 IEEE International Conference on, 1347-1351, 2012
Next generation fiber-wireless fronthaul for 5G mmWave networks
G Kalfas, C Vagionas, A Antonopoulos, E Kartsakli, A Mesodiakaki, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (3), 138-144, 2019
QoS-aware energy management in body sensor nodes powered by human energy harvesting
E Ibarra, A Antonopoulos, E Kartsakli, JJPC Rodrigues, C Verikoukis
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (2), 542-549, 2015
A survey on M2M systems for mHealth: a wireless communications perspective
E Kartsakli, AS Lalos, A Antonopoulos, S Tennina, M Di Renzo, L Alonso, ...
Sensors 14 (10), 18009-18052, 2014
Smart HVAC Control in IoT: Energy Consumption Minimization with User Comfort Constraints
J Serra, D Pubill, A Antonopoulos, C Verikoukis
Online VNF lifecycle management in an MEC-enabled 5G IoT architecture
I Sarrigiannis, K Ramantas, E Kartsakli, PV Mekikis, A Antonopoulos, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (5), 4183-4194, 2019
D2D-aware device caching in mmWave-cellular networks
N Giatsoglou, K Ntontin, E Kartsakli, A Antonopoulos, C Verikoukis
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 35 (9), 2025-2037, 2017
Green cooperative device–to–device communication: A social–aware perspective
E Datsika, A Antonopoulos, N Zorba, C Verikoukis
IEEE Access 4, 3697-3707, 2016
Energy-efficient infrastructure sharing in multi-operator mobile networks
A Antonopoulos, E Kartsakli, A Bousia, L Alonso, C Verikoukis
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (5), 242-249, 2015
Energy efficient network coding-based MAC for cooperative ARQ wireless networks
A Antonopoulos, C Verikoukis, C Skianis, OB Akan
Ad Hoc Networks 11 (1), 190-200, 2013
NFV-enabled experimental platform for 5G tactile Internet support in industrial environments
PV Mekikis, K Ramantas, A Antonopoulos, E Kartsakli, L Sanabria-Russo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (3), 1895-1903, 2019
Game theoretic D2D content dissemination in 4G cellular networks
A Antonopoulos, E Kartsakli, C Verikoukis
Communications Magazine, IEEE 52 (6), 125-132, 2014
Multiobjective auction-based switching-off scheme in heterogeneous networks: To bid or not to bid?
A Bousia, E Kartsakli, A Antonopoulos, L Alonso, C Verikoukis
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (11), 9168-9180, 2016
Information exchange in randomly deployed dense WSNs with wireless energy harvesting capabilities
PV Mekikis, A Antonopoulos, E Kartsakli, AS Lalos, L Alonso, ...
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (4), 3008-3018, 2016
Game Theoretic Infrastructure Sharing in Multi-Operator Cellular Networks
A Bousia, E Kartsakli, A Antonopoulos, L Alonso, C Verikoukis
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2015
Wireless Energy Harvesting in Two-Way Network Coded Cooperative Communications: A Stochastic Approach for Large Scale Networks
PV Mekikis, AS Lalos, A Antonopoulos, L Alonso, C Verikoukis
IEEE Communication Letters, 2014
Cross-network performance analysis of network coding aided cooperative outband D2D communications
E Datsika, A Antonopoulos, N Zorba, C Verikoukis
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (5), 3176-3188, 2017
HEH-BMAC: Hybrid polling MAC protocol for WBANs operated by human energy harvesting
E Ibarra, A Antonopoulos, E Kartsakli, C Verikoukis
Telecommunication systems 58, 111-124, 2015
Cooperative energy harvesting-adaptive MAC protocol for WBANs
V Esteves, A Antonopoulos, E Kartsakli, M Puig-Vidal, P Miribel-Català, ...
Sensors 15 (6), 12635-12650, 2015
Multi-Player Game Theoretic MAC Strategies for Energy Efficient Data Dissemination
A Antonopoulos, C Verikoukis
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 1-12, 2014
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Articles 1–20