Michael A. Stefanone
Michael A. Stefanone
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Strategic self-presentation online: A cross-cultural study
J Rui, MA Stefanone
Computers in human behavior 29 (1), 110-118, 2013
Contingencies of self-worth and social-networking-site behavior
MA Stefanone, D Lackaff, D Rosen
Cyberpsychology, behavior, and social networking 14 (1-2), 41-49, 2011
Face off: Implications of visual cues on initiating friendship on Facebook
SS Wang, SI Moon, KH Kwon, CA Evans, MA Stefanone
Computers in Human Behavior 26 (2), 226-234, 2010
Writing for friends and family: The interpersonal nature of blogs
MA Stefanone, CY Jang
Journal of computer-mediated communication 13 (1), 123-140, 2007
Exploring online news credibility: The relative influence of traditional and technological factors
CJ Chung, Y Nam, MA Stefanone
Journal of computer-mediated communication 17 (2), 171-186, 2012
The relationship between traditional mass media and “social media”: Reality television as a model for social network site behavior
MA Stefanone, D Lackaff, D Rosen
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 54 (3), 508-525, 2010
The effects of wireless computing in collaborative learning environments
G Gay, M Stefanone, M Grace-Martin, H Hembrooke
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 13 (2), 257-276, 2001
Strategic image management online: Self-presentation, self-esteem and social network perspectives
JR Rui, MA Stefanone
Information, Communication & Society 16 (8), 1286-1305, 2013
Social information sharing in a CSCL community
H Cho, M Stefanone, G Gay
Computer Support for Collaborative Learning, 43-50, 2023
Showing off? Human mobility and the interplay of traits, self-disclosure, and Facebook check-ins
SS Wang, MA Stefanone
Social Science Computer Review 31 (4), 437-457, 2013
Online and offline social networks: Investigating culturally-specific behavior and satisfaction
D Rosen, MA Stefanone, D Lackaff
2010 43rd Hawaii international conference on system sciences, 1-10, 2010
Reality television as a model for online behavior: Blogging, photo, and video sharing
MA Stefanone, D Lackaff
Journal of computer-mediated communication 14 (4), 964-987, 2009
Exploring the relationship between perceptions of social capital and enacted support online
MA Stefanone, KH Kwon, D Lackaff
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 17 (4), 451-466, 2012
Unspeaking on Facebook? Testing network effects on self-censorship of political expressions in social network sites
KH Kwon, SI Moon, MA Stefanone
Quality & quantity 49, 1417-1435, 2015
Social network influence on online behavioral choices: Exploring group formation on social network sites
KH Kwon, MA Stefanone, GA Barnett
American Behavioral Scientist 58 (10), 1345-1360, 2014
The desire for fame: An extension of uses and gratifications theory
JR Rui, MA Stefanone
Communication Studies 67 (4), 399-418, 2016
Development of computer-supported collaborative social networks in a distributed learning community
H Cho, JS Lee, M Stefanone, G Gay
Behaviour & Information Technology 24 (6), 435-447, 2005
In news we trust? Examining credibility and sharing behaviors of fake news
MA Stefanone, M Vollmer, JM Covert
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on social media and society …, 2019
The value of online friends: Networked resources via social network sites
MA Stefanone, K Kwon, D Lackaff
First Monday, 2011
We're all stars now: Reality television, Web 2.0, and mediated identities
MA Stefanone, D Lackaff, D Rosen
Proceedings of the nineteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia …, 2008
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Articles 1–20