Gary White
Cited by
Cited by
A digital twin smart city for citizen feedback
G White, A Zink, L Codecį, S Clarke
Cities 110, 103064, 2021
Quality of service approaches in IoT: A systematic mapping
G White, V Nallur, S Clarke
Journal of Systems and Software 132, 186-203, 2017
Dynamic service placement in multi-access edge computing: A systematic literature review
HT Malazi, SR Chaudhry, A Kazmi, A Palade, C Cabrera, G White, ...
IEEE Access 10, 32639-32688, 2022
Augmented Reality in IoT
G White, C Cabrera, A Palade, S Clarke
IoTPredict: Collaborative QoS prediction in IoT
G White, A Palade, C Cabrera, S Clarke
2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2018
Forecasting qos attributes using lstm networks
G White, A Palade, S Clarke
2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2018
WasteNet: Waste classification at the edge for smart bins
G White, C Cabrera, A Palade, F Li, S Clarke
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.05873, 2020
Middleware for internet of things: an evaluation in a small-scale IoT environment
A Palade, C Cabrera, F Li, G White, MA Razzaque, S Clarke
Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments 4, 3-23, 2018
QoS Prediction for Reliable Service Composition in IoT
G White, A Palade, S Clarke
Service-Oriented Computing: 15th International Conference, ICSOC, 13-16, 2017
The Right Service at the Right Place: A Service Model for Smart Cities
C Cabrera, A Palade, G White, S Clarke
2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2018
Middleware for Internet of Things: A quantitative evaluation in small scale
A Palade, C Cabrera, G White, MA Razzaque, S Clarke
2017 IEEE 18th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2017
Quantitative evaluation of qos prediction in iot
G White, A Palade, C Cabrera, S Clarke
2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2017
Urban intelligence with deep edges
G White, S Clarke
IEEE Access 8, 7518-7530, 2020
Autoencoders for QoS Prediction at the Edge
G White, A Palade, C Cabrera, S Clarke
Short-term QoS forecasting at the edge for reliable service applications
G White, S Clarke
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 15 (2), 1089-1102, 2020
A Quantified-Self Framework for Exploring and Enhancing Personal Productivity
G White, Z Liang, S Clarke
Implementing heterogeneous, autonomous, and resilient services in IoT: An experience report
C Cabrera, F Li, V Nallur, A Palade, MA Razzaque, G White, S Clarke
2017 IEEE 18th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2017
A trust model for SLA negotiation candidates selection in a dynamic IoT environment
F Li, G White, S Clarke
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 15 (5), 2565-2578, 2021
Services in IoT: A Service Planning Model based on Consumer Feedback
C Cabrera, A Palade, G White, S Clarke
Smart Cities with Deep Edges
G White, S Clarke
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Articles 1–20