Pietro Bortolotti
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IEA wind TCP task 37: definition of the IEA 15-megawatt offshore reference wind turbine
E Gaertner, J Rinker, L Sethuraman, F Zahle, B Anderson, GE Barter, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2020
IEA Wind TCP Task 37: Systems engineering in wind energy-WP2. 1 Reference wind turbines
P Bortolotti, HC Tarres, K Dykes, K Merz, L Sethuraman, D Verelst, ...
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), 2019
Definition of the IEA wind 15-megawatt offshore reference wind turbine
E Gaertner, J Rinker, L Sethuraman, F Zahle, B Anderson, G Barter, ...
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2020
Combined preliminary–detailed design of wind turbines
P Bortolotti, CL Bottasso, A Croce
Wind Energy Science 1 (1), 71-88, 2016
Systems Engineering in Wind Energy–WP2. 1 Reference Wind Turbines
P Bortolotti, HC Tarrés, K Dykes, K Merz, L Sethuraman, D Verelst, ...
National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Oak Ridge, TN, USA, 2019
Integrated aero-structural optimization of wind turbines
CL Bottasso, P Bortolotti, A Croce, F Gualdoni
Multibody System Dynamics 38, 317-344, 2016
A detailed wind turbine blade cost model
P Bortolotti, DS Berry, R Murray, E Gaertner, DS Jenne, RR Damiani, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2019
On the scaling of wind turbine rotors
H Canet, P Bortolotti, CL Bottasso
Wind Energy Science 6 (3), 601-626, 2021
Definition of the IEA 15-Megawatt Offshore Reference Wind. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory
E Gaertner, J Rinker, L Sethuraman, F Zahle, B Anderson, G Barter, ...
NREL/TP-5000-75698, 2020
Comparison between upwind and downwind designs of a 10 MW wind turbine rotor
P Bortolotti, A Kapila, CL Bottasso
Wind Energy Science 4 (1), 115-125, 2019
An open-source frequency-domain model for floating wind turbine design optimization
M Hall, S Housner, D Zalkind, P Bortolotti, D Ogden, G Barter
Journal of physics: conference series 2265 (4), 042020, 2022
Land-based wind turbines with flexible rail transportable blades–Part I: Conceptual design and aeroservoelastic performance
P Bortolotti, N Johnson, NJ Abbas, E Anderson, E Camarena, JA Paquette
Wind Energy Science Discussions 2021, 1-22, 2021
Beyond 15 MW: A cost of energy perspective on the next generation of drivetrain technologies for offshore wind turbines
GE Barter, L Sethuraman, P Bortolotti, J Keller, DA Torrey
Applied Energy 344, 121272, 2023
Iea wind tcp task 37: Systems engineering in wind energy-wp2. 1 reference wind turbines Tech. rep
P Bortolotti, HC Tarrés, K Dykes, K Merz, L Sethuraman, D Verelst, ...
IEA Wind URL https://www. nrel. gov/docs/fy19osti/73492. pdf, 2019
Carbon glass hybrid materials for wind turbine rotor blades
P Bortolotti
Integration of multiple passive load mitigation technologies by automated design optimization—The case study of a medium‐size onshore wind turbine
P Bortolotti, CL Bottasso, A Croce, L Sartori
Wind Energy 22 (1), 65-79, 2019
Effectively using multifidelity optimization for wind turbine design
J Jasa, P Bortolotti, D Zalkind, G Barter
Wind Energy Science Discussions 2021, 1-22, 2021
A cross-sectional aeroelastic analysis and structural optimization tool for slender composite structures
R Feil, T Pflumm, P Bortolotti, M Morandini
Composite structures 253, 112755, 2020
Definition of the iea 15-megawatt offshore reference wind
G Evan, J Rinker, L Sethuraman, F Zahle, B Anderson, G Barter, N Abbas, ...
NREL/TP-5000-75698, 2020
Lightweight rotor design by optimal spar cap offset
A Croce, L Sartori, MS Lunghini, L Clozza, P Bortolotti, CL Bottasso
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753 (6), 062003, 2016
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Articles 1–20