Müge Özbek
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Cited by
Imagining the personal past: Episodic counterfactuals compared to episodic memories and episodic future projections
M Özbek, A Bohn, D Berntsen
Memory & cognition 45 (3), 375-389, 2017
Exploring the time course of face matching: Temporal constraints impair unfamiliar face identification under temporally unconstrained viewing
M Özbek, M Bindemann
Vision research 51 (19), 2145-2155, 2011
Why do I think and talk about it? Perceived functions and phenomenology of episodic counterfactual thinking compared with remembering and future thinking
M Özbek, A Bohn, D Berntsen
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (10), 2101-2114, 2018
Characteristics of personally important episodic memories, counterfactual thoughts, and future projections across age and culture
M Özbek, A Bohn, D Berntsen
Applied Cognitive Psychology 34 (5), 1020-1033, 2020
A negativity bias in detail generation during event simulation
KKS Vannia A. Puig, Müge Özbek
Emotion, 2019
A tale of two cultural life scripts: do young second-generation Turkish immigrants versus young Danes in Denmark perceive life through different cultural lenses?
M Özbek, A Bohn, D Berntsen
Memory 29 (6), 778-792, 2021
Otobiyografik Bellekle Zamanda Zihinsel Yolculuk
M Özbek
Hayatı Hatırlamak: Otobiyografik Belleğe Bilimsel Yaklaşımlar (remembering …, 2018
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Articles 1–7