Carsten Strøby Jensen
Cited by
Cited by
CS Jensen
European Union Politics, 121-32, 2017
The survival of the Danish model: A historical sociological analysis of the Danish system of collective bargaining
J Due, JS Madsen, CS Jensen, L Kjærulf
DJØF Pub., 1994
Den danske model: en historisk sociologisk analyse af det kollektive aftalesystem
J Due, JS Madsen, CS Jensen
Djøf/Jurist-og Økonomforbundet, 1993
The Social Dimension: convergence or diversification of IR in the Single European Market?
J Due, JS Madsen, CS Jensen
Industrial Relations Journal, 1991
Neofunctionalist Theories and the Development of European Social and LabourMarket Policy
CS Jensen
Journal of Common Market Studies, 2000
Why do people join trade unions? The impact of workplace union density on union recruitment
J Toubøl, CS Jensen
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 20 (1), 135-154, 2014
A role for a pan‐European trade union movement?–possibilities in European IR‐regulation
CS Jensen, JS Madsen, J Due
Industrial Relations Journal 26 (1), 4-18, 1995
Phases and dynamics in the development of EU industrial relations regulation.
CS Jensen, JS Madsen
Industrial Relations Journal 30 (2), 1999
The flexibility of flexicurity: The Danish model reconsidered
CS Jensen
Economic and Industrial Democracy 32 (4), 721-737, 2011
Trade unionism: Differences and similarities-a comparative view on Europe, USA and Asia
CS Jensen
Journal of Industrial Relations 48 (1), 59-81, 2006
Antimicrobial stigmatization: public health concerns about conventional pig farming and pig farmers' experiences with stigmatization
L Fynbo, CS Jensen
Social science & medicine 201, 1-8, 2018
Adjusting the Danish model: towards centralized decentralization
J Due, JS Madsen, LK Petersen, CS Jensen
Organized industrial relations in Europe: What future, 121-50, 1995
Arbejdsmarked og europæisk integration II: en sociologisk analyse af den europæiske models etablering i EU; Between strategic choice and adaptation: the role of UNICE in the …
CS Jensen
Københavns universitet, Det samfundsvidenskabelige fakultet, 1998
Arbejdsmarkedsrelationer i Danmark: fra konfliktbaseret konsensus til konsensusbaseret konflikt
CS Jensen
Djøf Forlag, 2007
Industrial relations in Denmark: From conflict-based consensus to consensus-based conflict
CS Jensen
Djøf Publishing, 2012
Veterinary herd health consultancy and antimicrobial use in dairy herds
NK Skjølstrup, LR Nielsen, CS Jensen, DB Lastein
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 7, 547975, 2021
Political attitudes and trade union membership in the Nordic countries
CS Jensen
European Journal of Industrial Relations 23 (4), 381-395, 2017
The complex reality of convergence and diversification in European industrial relations systems: A review of the 1996 IREC Conference
LL Hansen, JS Madsen, CS Jensen
European Journal of Industrial Relations 3 (3), 357-376, 1997
Trade unionism in Europe: Are the working class still members?
CS Jensen
European Journal of Industrial Relations 26 (1), 107-120, 2020
Arbejdsgiverorganisering i Danmark–et institutionssociologisk perspektiv på arbejdsgiverorganiseringens betydning for den danske arbejdsmarkedsmodel
CS Jensen, JS Madsen, J Due
Stillet til rådighed af Carsten Strøby Jensen, 2000
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Articles 1–20