Verena Winiwarter
Verena Winiwarter
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Cited by
A socio‐metabolic transition towards sustainability? Challenges for another Great Transformation
H Haberl, M Fischer‐Kowalski, F Krausmann, J Martinez‐Alier, ...
Sustainable development 19 (1), 1-14, 2011
Progress towards sustainability? What the conceptual framework of material and energy flow accounting (MEFA) can offer
H Haberl, M Fischer-Kowalski, F Krausmann, H Weisz, V Winiwarter
Land Use Policy 21 (3), 199-213, 2004
From LTER to LTSER: Conceptualizing the Socioeconomic Dimension of Long-term Socioecological Research.
H Haberl, V Winiwarter, K Andersson, RU Ayres, C Boone, A Castillo, ...
Ecology & Society 11 (2), 2006
Breaking the sod: Humankind, history, and soil
JR McNeill, V Winiwarter
Science 304 (5677), 1627-1629, 2004
Umweltgeschichte: eine Einführung
V Winiwarter, M Knoll
Utb, 2007
You say you want a revolution? Transforming education and capacity building in response to global change
K O’Brien, J Reams, A Caspari, A Dugmore, M Faghihimani, I Fazey, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 28, 48-59, 2013
Social Ecology
H Haberl, M Fischer-Kowalski, F Krausmann, V Winiwarter
Society-Nature Relations across Time and Space, 0
Das Ende der Fläche: Zum gesellschaftlichen Stoffwechsel der Industrialisierung
RP Sieferle, F Krausmann, H Schandl, V Winiwarter
Böhlau, 2006
Changes in water and land: the reconstructed Viennese riverscape from 1500 to the present
S Hohensinner, B Lager, C Sonnlechner, G Haidvogl, S Gierlinger, ...
Water History 5 (2), 145-172, 2013
Soils and societies: perspectives from environmental history.
JR McNeill, V Winiwarter
Soils and societies: perspectives from environmental history, 2010
Global environmental change and historical transitions
H Weisz, M Fischer-Kowalski, CM Grünbühel, H Haberl, F Krausmann, ...
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 14 (2), 117-142, 2001
Socioeconomic metabolism and colonization of natural processes in SangSaeng village: Material and energy flows, land use, and cultural change in Northeast Thailand
CM Grunbuhel, H Haberl, H Schandl, V Winiwarter
Human Ecology 31 (1), 53-86, 2003
Looking at half a millennium of co-existence: the Danube in Vienna as a socio-natural site
V Winiwarter, M Schmid, G Dressel
Water History 5 (2), 101-119, 2013
Two steps back, one step forward: reconstructing the dynamic Danube riverscape under human influence in Vienna
S Hohensinner, C Sonnlechner, M Schmid, V Winiwarter
Water History 5 (2), 121-143, 2013
Stocks, flows, services and practices: Nexus approaches to sustainable social metabolism
H Haberl, M Schmid, W Haas, D Wiedenhofer, H Rau, V Winiwarter
Ecological Economics 182, 106949, 2021
Die Universität als Akteurin der transformativen Wissenschaft: Konsequenzen für die Messung der Qualität transdisziplinärer Forschung
L Krainer, V Winiwarter
GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 25 (2), 110-116, 2016
Environmental history in Europe from 1994 to 2004: enthusiasm and consolidation
V Winiwarter, M Armiero, P van Dam, A Dix, P Eliasson, P Holm, L Jelecek, ...
Environment and History 10 (4), 501-530, 2004
Umweltgeschichte als Untersuchung sozionaturaler Schauplätze? Ein Versuch, Johannes Colers „Oeconomia “umwelthistorisch zu interpretieren
V Winiwarter, M Schmid
Thomas Knopf (Hg.), Umweltverhalten in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Tübingen …, 2008
The long-term evolution of urban waters and their nineteenth century transformation in European cities. A comparative environmental history
V Winiwarter, G Haidvogl, S Hohensinner, F Hauer, M Bürkner
Water History 8 (3), 209-233, 2016
The Environmental History of the Danube River Basin as an Issue of Long-Term Socio-ecological Research
V Winiwarter, M Schmid, S Hohensinner, G Haidvogl
Long Term Socio-Ecological Research, 103-122, 2013
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Articles 1–20