Ladislav Lenc
Ladislav Lenc
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Citeret af
Automatic face recognition system based on the SIFT features
L Lenc, P Král
Computers & Electrical Engineering 46, 256-272, 2015
Building an efficient OCR system for historical documents with little training data
J Martínek, L Lenc, P Král
Neural Computing and Applications 32, 17209-17227, 2020
On the effects of using word2vec representations in neural networks for dialogue act recognition
C Cerisara, P Kral, L Lenc
Computer Speech & Language 47, 175-193, 2018
LBP features for breast cancer detection
P Kral, L Lenc
2016 IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), 2643-2647, 2016
Well-calibrated confidence measures for multi-label text classification with a large number of labels
L Maltoudoglou, A Paisios, L Lenc, J Martínek, P Král, H Papadopoulos
Pattern Recognition 122, 108271, 2022
Deep neural networks for Czech multi-label document classification
L Lenc, P Král
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 17th …, 2018
Unconstrained facial images: Database for face recognition under real-world conditions
L Lenc, P Král
Mexican international conference on artificial intelligence, 349-361, 2015
Detecting Stance in Czech News Commentaries.
T Hercig, P Krejzl, B Hourová, J Steinberger, L Lenc
ITAT 176, 180, 2017
Enhanced local binary patterns for automatic face recognition
P Král, A Vrba, L Lenc
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 18th International Conference …, 2019
ICDAR 2021 competition on historical map segmentation
J Chazalon, E Carlinet, Y Chen, J Perret, B Duménieu, C Mallet, T Géraud, ...
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 693-707, 2021
Hybrid training data for historical text OCR
J Martínek, L Lenc, P Král, A Nicolaou, V Christlein
2019 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR …, 2019
Training strategies for ocr systems for historical documents
J Martínek, L Lenc, P Král
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 15th IFIP WG 12.5 …, 2019
Word embeddings for multi-label document classification.
L Lenc, P Král
RANLP, 431-437, 2017
Local binary pattern based face recognition with automatically detected fiducial points
L Lenc, P Král
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 23 (2), 129-139, 2016
Novel matching methods for automatic face recognition using sift
L Lenc, P Král
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 8th IFIP WG 12.5 …, 2012
Face Recognition under Real-world Conditions.
L Lenc, P Král
ICAART (2), 250-256, 2013
Automatically detected feature positions for LBP based face recognition
L Lenc, P Král
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 10th IFIP WG 12.5 …, 2014
Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis in Czech.
L Lenc, T Hercig
ITAT, 48-55, 2016
Multi-lingual dialogue act recognition with deep learning methods
J Martínek, P Král, L Lenc, C Cerisara
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.05606, 2019
A deep neural network conformal predictor for multi-label text classification
A Paisios, L Lenc, J Martı́nek, P Král, H Papadopoulos
Conformal and Probabilistic Prediction and Applications, 228-245, 2019
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