Reza Davoodnezhad
Reza Davoodnezhad
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Cited by
An improved three-phase variable-band hysteresis current regulator
R Holmes, D.G., Davoodnezhad, BP McGrath
ICPE, 2274 - 2281, 2011
A novel three-level hysteresis current regulation strategy for three-phase three-level inverters
R Davoodnezhad, DG Holmes, BP McGrath
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (11), 6100-6109, 2013
Voltage-frequency control of an islanded microgrid using the intrinsic droop characteristics of resonant current regulators
B Shoeiby, R Davoodnezhad, DG Holmes, BP McGrath
2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 68-75, 2014
A fully digital hysteresis current controller for current regulation of grid connected PV inverters
R Davoodnezhad, DG Holmes, BP McGrath
2014 IEEE 5th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed …, 2014
A resonant current regulator based microgrid control strategy with smooth transition between islanded and grid-connected modes
B Shoeiby, R Davoodnezhad, DG Holmes, BP McGrath
2014 IEEE 5th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed …, 2014
A new current control droop strategy for VSI-based islanded microgrids
B Shoeiby, R Davoodnezhad, DG Holmes, BP McGrath
2014 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Hiroshima 2014-ECCE …, 2014
Dynamics of droop-controlled microgrids with unequal droop response times
B Shoeiby, DG Holmes, BP McGrath, R Davoodnezhad
2013 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 1-6, 2013
Hysteresis Current Regulation of Voltage Source Inverters with Constant Switching Frequency
R Davoodnezhad
RMIT University, 2014
A three-level self-synchronizing hysteresis current regulator with constant switching frequency
R Davoodnezhad, DG Holmes, BP McGrath
2013 IEEE ECCE Asia Downunder, 38-44, 2013
Hysteresis current regulation of three phase flying capacitor inverter with balanced capacitor voltages
R Davoodnezhad, DG Holmes, BP McGrath
Proceedings of The 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control …, 2012
Self-synchronising stator terminal control of permanent magnet synchronous generators for wind energy conversion systems
R Davoodnezhad, DG Holmes, BP McGrath, A Vahidnia
2016 IEEE 7th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed …, 2016
Three-level hysteresis current regulation for a three phase neutral point clamped inverter
R Davoodnezhad, DG Holmes, BP McGrath
2012 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE …, 2012
Constant frequency three-phase hysteresis current regulator with extended modulation depth
R Davoodnezhad, DG Holmes, BP McGrath
Proceedings of The 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control …, 2012
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Articles 1–13