Professor Simon Tett
Professor Simon Tett
Chair of Earth System Dynamics
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Uncertainty estimates in regional and global observed temperature changes: A new data set from 1850
P Brohan, JJ Kennedy, I Harris, SFB Tett, PD Jones
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D12), 2006
Understanding and attributing climate change
GC Hegerl, FW Zwiers, P Braconnot, NP Gillett, Y Luo, JAM Orsini, ...
Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the …, 2007
High-resolution palaeoclimatic records for the last millennium: interpretation, integration and comparison with General Circulation Model control-run temperatures
PD Jones, KR Briffa, TP Barnett, SFB Tett
The Holocene 8 (4), 455-471, 1998
Climate response to increasing levels of greenhouse gases and sulphate aerosols
JFB Mitchell, TC Johns, JM Gregory, SFB Tett
Nature 376 (6540), 501-504, 1995
Improved analyses of changes and uncertainties in sea surface temperature measured in situ since the mid-nineteenth century: The HadSST2 dataset
NA Rayner, P Brohan, DE Parker, CK Folland, JJ Kennedy, M Vanicek, ...
Journal of Climate 19 (3), 446-469, 2006
The second Hadley Centre coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM: model description, spinup and validation
TC Johns, RE Carnell, JF Crossley, JM Gregory, JFB Mitchell, CA Senior, ...
Climate dynamics 13, 103-134, 1997
External control of 20th century temperature by natural and anthropogenic forcings
PA Stott, SFB Tett, GS Jones, MR Allen, JFB Mitchell, GJ Jenkins
science 290 (5499), 2133-2137, 2000
A search for human influences on the thermal structure of the atmosphere
BD Santer, KE Taylor, TML Wigley, TC Johns, PD Jones, DJ Karoly, ...
Nature 382 (6586), 39-46, 1996
Anthropogenic climate change for 1860 to 2100 simulated with the HadCM3 model under updated emissions scenarios
TC Johns, JM Gregory, WJ Ingram, CE Johnson, A Jones, JA Lowe, ...
Climate dynamics 20, 583-612, 2003
Causes of twentieth-century temperature change near the Earth's surface
SFB Tett, PA Stott, MR Allen, WJ Ingram, JFB Mitchell
Nature 399 (6736), 569-572, 1999
Reconstructing past climate from noisy data
H Von Storch, E Zorita, JM Jones, Y Dimitriev, F González-Rouco, ...
Science 306 (5696), 679-682, 2004
Storylines: an alternative approach to representing uncertainty in physical aspects of climate change
TG Shepherd, E Boyd, RA Calel, SC Chapman, S Dessai, IM Dima-West, ...
Climatic change 151, 555-571, 2018
Checking for model consistency in optimal fingerprinting
MR Allen, SFB Tett
Climate Dynamics 15, 419-434, 1999
The internal climate variability of HadCM3, a version of the Hadley Centre coupled model without flux adjustments
M Collins, SFB Tett, C Cooper
Climate Dynamics 17, 61-81, 2001
Evaluation of the North Atlantic Oscillation as simulated by a coupled climate model
TJ Osborn, KR Briffa, SFB Tett, PD Jones, RM Trigo
Climate Dynamics 15, 685-702, 1999
European climate response to tropical volcanic eruptions over the last half millennium
EM Fischer, J Luterbacher, E Zorita, SFB Tett, C Casty, H Wanner
Geophysical research letters 34 (5), 2007
Mediterranean climate variability over the last centuries: a review
J Luterbacher, E Xoplaki, C Casty, H Wanner, A Pauling, M Küttel, ...
Developments in Earth and environmental Sciences 4, 27-148, 2006
Revisiting radiosonde upper air temperatures from 1958 to 2002
PW Thorne, DE Parker, SFB Tett, PD Jones, M McCarthy, H Coleman, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 110 (D18), 2005
Estimation of natural and anthropogenic contributions to twentieth century temperature change
SFB Tett, GS Jones, PA Stott, DC Hill, JFB Mitchell, MR Allen, WJ Ingram, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107 (D16), ACL 10-1-ACL 10-24, 2002
Detection and attribution of recent climate change: A status report
TP Barnett, K Hasselmann, M Chelliah, T Delworth, G Hegerl, P Jones, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 80 (12), 2631-2660, 1999
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