Yann Ramusat
Yann Ramusat
DI ENS, ENS, PSL University, CNRS, Inria
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Cited by
Provsql: Provenance and probability management in postgresql
P Senellart, L Jachiet, S Maniu, Y Ramusat
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) 11 (12), 2034-2037, 2018
Absent words in a sliding window with applications
M Crochemore, A Héliou, G Kucherov, L Mouchard, SP Pissis, Y Ramusat
Information and Computation 270, 104461, 2020
Semiring provenance over graph databases
Y Ramusat, S Maniu, P Senellart
10th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP 2018), 2018
Minimal absent words in a sliding window and applications to on-line pattern matching
M Crochemore, A Héliou, G Kucherov, L Mouchard, SP Pissis, Y Ramusat
International symposium on fundamentals of computation theory, 164-176, 2017
Provenance-based algorithms for rich queries over graph databases
Y Ramusat, S Maniu, P Senellart
EDBT 2021-24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, 2021
A practical dynamic programming approach to datalog provenance computation
Y Ramusat, S Maniu, P Senellart
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.01132, 2021
Efficient provenance-aware querying of graph databases with datalog
Y Ramusat, S Maniu, P Senellart
Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGMOD Joint International Workshop on Graph Data …, 2022
Provenance-Based Routing in Probabilistic Graph Databases.
Y Ramusat
PhD@ VLDB 2399, 2019
Transforming Property Graphs
A Bonifati, F Murlak, Y Ramusat
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.13062, 2024
Provsql: Gestion de provenance et de probabilités dans postgresql
P Senellart, L Jachiet, S Maniu, Y Ramusat
BDA 2018 Gestion de Données–Principes, Technologies et Applications 34 e …, 2018
The semiring-based provenance framework for graph databases
Y Ramusat
Ecole normale supérieure-ENS PARIS; PSL University, 2022
Algorithmes à base de provenance pour des requêtes enrichies sur les bases de données graphes
Y Ramusat, S Maniu, P Senellart
BDA 2020-36ème Conférence sur la Gestion de Données–Principes, Technologies …, 2020
DTGraph: Declarative Transformations of Property Graphs
A Bonifati, Y Ramusat, F Murlak, A Fejza, R Echahed
VLDB 2024-50th International Conference on Very Large Databases, 2024
Efficient Provenance-Aware Querying of Graph Databases with Datalog
Y Ramusat, S Maniu, P Senellart
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Articles 1–14