Dave Bushek
Dave Bushek
Professor, Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University
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Ecosystem services related to oyster restoration
LD Coen, RD Brumbaugh, D Bushek, R Grizzle, MW Luckenbach, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 341, 303-307, 2007
Guidelines for evaluating performance of oyster habitat restoration
LP Baggett, SP Powers, RD Brumbaugh, LD Coen, BM DeAngelis, ...
Restoration Ecology 23 (6), 737-745, 2015
Evaluation of methods using Ray's fluid thioglycollate medium for diagnosis of Perkinsus marinus infection in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica
D Bushek, SE Ford, SK Allen Jr
Annual Review of Fish Diseases 4, 201-217, 1994
Large-scale production of triploid oysters, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), using “stripped” gametes
SK Allen Jr, D Bushek
Aquaculture 103 (3-4), 241-251, 1992
Long-term trends in oyster population dynamics in Delaware Bay: regime shifts and response to disease
EN Powell, KA Ashton-Alcox, JN Kraeuter, SE Ford, D Bushek
Journal of shellfish research 27 (4), 729-755, 2008
Settlement as a major determinant of intertidal oyster and barnacle distributions along a horizontal gradient
D Bushek
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 122 (1), 1-18, 1988
Host-parasite interactions among broadly distributed populations of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica and the protozoan Perkinsus marinus
D Bushek, SK Allen Jr
Marine Ecology Progress Series 139, 127-141, 1996
The application of oyster reefs in shoreline protection: Are we over‐engineering for an ecosystem engineer?
RL Morris, DM Bilkovic, MK Boswell, D Bushek, J Cebrian, J Goff, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 56 (7), 1703-1711, 2019
Long-term patterns of an estuarine pathogen along a salinity gradient
D Bushek, SE Ford, I Burt
Comparison of in vitro-cultured and wild-type Perkinsus marinus. III. Fecal elimination and its role in transmission
D Bushek, SE Ford, MM Chintala
Diseases of aquatic organisms 51 (3), 217-225, 2002
Ecosystem response to bivalve density reduction: management implications
R Dame, D Bushek, D Allen, A Lewitus, D Edwards, E Koepfler, L Gregory
Aquatic ecology 36 (1), 51-65, 2002
Geographic distribution of Perkinsus marinus genetic strains along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the USA
K Reece, D Bushek, K Hudson, J Graves
Marine Biology 139, 1047-1055, 2001
Oyster mortality in Delaware Bay: impacts and recovery from hurricane Irene and tropical storm Lee
D Munroe, A Tabatabai, I Burt, D Bushek, EN Powell, J Wilkin
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 135, 209-219, 2013
Geomorphological determinants of nekton use of intertidal salt marsh creeks
DM Allen, SS Haertel-Borer, BJ Milan, D Bushek, RF Dame
Marine Ecology Progress Series 329, 57-71, 2007
Microarray analysis of gene expression in eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reveals a novel combination of antimicrobial and oxidative stress host responses after dermo …
S Wang, E Peatman, H Liu, D Bushek, SE Ford, H Kucuktas, J Quilang, ...
Fish & Shellfish Immunology 29 (6), 921-929, 2010
Inviable hybrids of Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) with C. rivularis (Gould) and C. gigas (Thunberg)
SK Allen Jr, PM Gaffney, J Scarpa, D Bushek
Aquaculture 113 (4), 269-289, 1993
Comparison of in vitro-cultured and wild-type Perkinsus marinus. I. Pathogen virulence
SE Ford, MM Chintala, D Bushek
Diseases of aquatic organisms 51 (3), 187-201, 2002
Managing marine mollusc diseases in the context of regional and international commerce: policy issues and emerging concerns
RB Carnegie, I Arzul, D Bushek
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
Benthic suspension feeders as determinants of ecosystem structure and function in shallow coastal waters
RF Dame, D Bushek, TC Prins
Ecological comparisons of sedimentary shores, 11-37, 2001
Comparison of in vitro-cultured and wild-type Perkinsus marinus. II. Dosing methods and host response
MM Chintala, D Bushek, SE Ford
Diseases of aquatic organisms 51 (3), 203-216, 2002
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Articles 1–20