Rafael Bru
Rafael Bru
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Models of parallel chaotic iteration methods
R Bru, L Elsner, M Neumann
Linear Algebra and its Applications 103, 175-192, 1988
Parallel, synchronous and asynchronous two-stage multisplitting methods
R Bru, V Migallón, J Penadés, DB Szyld
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 3, 24-38, 1995
Structural properties of positive linear time-invariant difference-algebraic equations
R Bru, C Coll, E Sánchez
Linear Algebra and its Applications 349 (1-3), 1-10, 2002
Preconditioning sparse nonsymmetric linear systems with the Sherman--Morrison formula
R Bru, J Cerdán, J Marín, J Mas
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 25 (2), 701-715, 2003
Convergence of infinite products of matrices and inner-outer iteration schemes
R Bru, L Elsner, M Neumann
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 2, 183-193, 1994
High order backward discretization of the neutron diffusion equation
D Ginestar, G Verdú, V Vidal, R Bru, J Marín, JL Munoz-Cobo
Annals of Nuclear Energy 25 (1-3), 47-64, 1998
Some problems about structural properties of positive descriptor systems
R Bru, C Coll, S Romero-Vivo, E Sánchez
Positive Systems: Proceedings of the First Multidisciplinary International …, 2003
Canonical forms for positive discrete-time linear control systems
R Bru, S Romero, E Sánchez
Linear Algebra and its Applications 310 (1-3), 49-71, 2000
Additive Schwarz iterations for Markov chains
R Bru, F Pedroche, DB Szyld
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 27 (2), 445-458, 2005
Classes of general H-matrices
R Bru, C Corral, I Gimenez, J Mas
Linear algebra and its applications 429 (10), 2358-2366, 2008
Balanced incomplete factorization
RJJ Bru, M Tůma
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 30 (5), 2302-2318, 2008
A simple generalization of Geršgorin’s theorem
L Cvetković, V Kostić, R Bru, F Pedroche
Advances in Computational Mathematics 35, 271-280, 2011
Quasi-Newton preconditioners for the inexact Newton method
L Bergamaschi, R Bru, A Martinez, M Putti
Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal 23, 76-87, 2006
About positively discrete-time singular systems
R Bru, C Coll, E Sanchez
System and Control: Theory and Applications, World Scientific and …, 2000
Modeling crop regional production using positive mathematical programming
L Júdez, JM De Miguel, J Mas, R Bru
Mathematical and computer modelling 35 (1-2), 77-86, 2002
Subdirect sums of nonsingular M-matrices and of their inverses
R Bru, F Pedroche, D Szyld
The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 13, 162-174, 2005
Group inverse and group involutory matrices
R Bru, N Thome
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 45 (2-3), 207-218, 1998
Extensions of Jordan bases for invariant subspaces of a matrix
R Bru, L Rodman, H Schneider
Linear Algebra and its Applications 150, 209-225, 1991
Subdirect sums of S-strictly diagonally dominant matrices
R Bru, F Pedroche, D Szyld
The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 15, 201-209, 2006
Is A∈ Cn, na general H-matrix?
R Bru, I Giménez, A Hadjidimos
Linear Algebra and its Applications 436 (2), 364-380, 2012
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