Erik Horstman
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Cited by
Are all intertidal wetlands naturally created equal? Bottlenecks, thresholds and knowledge gaps to mangrove and saltmarsh ecosystems
DA Friess, KW Krauss, EM Horstman, T Balke, TJ Bouma, D Galli, ...
Biological Reviews 87 (2), 346-366, 2012
Windows of opportunity: thresholds to mangrove seedling establishment on tidal flats
T Balke, TJ Bouma, EM Horstman, EL Webb, PLA Erftemeijer, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 440, 1-9, 2011
Wave attenuation in mangroves: A quantitative approach to field observations
EM Horstman, CM Dohmen-Janssen, PMF Narra, NJF Van den Berg, ...
Coastal engineering 94, 47-62, 2014
Implementation of coastal erosion management in the Netherlands
JPM Mulder, S Hommes, EM Horstman
Ocean & coastal management 54 (12), 888-897, 2011
Tidal-scale flow routing and sedimentation in mangrove forests: Combining field data and numerical modelling
EM Horstman, CM Dohmen-Janssen, TJ Bouma, S Hulscher
Geomorphology 228, 244-262, 2015
Marshes and mangroves as nature-based coastal storm buffers
S Temmerman, EM Horstman, KW Krauss, JC Mullarney, I Pelckmans, ...
Annual Review of Marine Science 15 (1), 95-118, 2023
Nature-based engineering: a review on reducing coastal flood risk with mangroves
R Gijsman, EM Horstman, D van der Wal, DA Friess, A Swales, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 702412, 2021
Sensitivity of the sediment trapping capacity of an estuarine mangrove forest
P Willemsen, EM Horstman, BW Borsje, DA Friess, CM Dohmen-Janssen
Geomorphology 273, 189-201, 2016
Attenuation of storm surges by coastal mangroves
JM Montgomery, KR Bryan, JC Mullarney, EM Horstman
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (5), 2680-2689, 2019
Cross-shore gradients of physical disturbance in mangroves: implications for seedling establishment
T Balke, TJ Bouma, PMJ Herman, EM Horstman, C Sudtongkong, ...
Biogeosciences 10 (8), 5411-5419, 2013
Attenuation of tides and surges by mangroves: Contrasting case studies from New Zealand
JM Montgomery, KR Bryan, EM Horstman, JC Mullarney
Water 10 (9), 1119, 2018
Modeling tidal dynamics in a mangrove creek catchment in Delft3D
EM Horstman, CM Dohmen-Janssen, S Hulscher
Coastal Dynamics 2013 Proceedings, 833-844, 2013
Flow routing in mangrove forests: A field study in Trang province, Thailand
EM Horstman, CM Dohmen-Janssen, SJMH Hulscher
Continental Shelf Research 71, 52-67, 2013
The Dynamics of Expanding Mangroves in New Zealand
EM Horstman, CJ Lundquist, KR Bryan, RH Bulmer, JC Mullarney, ...
Threats to Mangrove Forests: Hazards, Vulnerability, and Management 25, 23, 2018
Are flow-vegetation interactions well represented by mimics? A case study of mangrove pneumatophores
EM Horstman, KR Bryan, JC Mullarney, CA Pilditch, CA Eager
Advances in Water Resources 111, 360-371, 2018
Wave attenuation in mangrove forests: Field data obtained in Trang, Thailand
E Horstman, M Dohmen-Janssen, P Narra, NJ van den Berg, M Siemerink, ...
33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2012, 2012
Drag variations, tidal asymmetry and tidal range changes in a mangrove creek system
EM Horstman, KR Bryan, JC Mullarney
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 46 (9), 1828-1846, 2021
On the consequences of a long-term perspective for coastal management
EM Horstman, KM Wijnberg, AJ Smale, SJMH Hulscher
Ocean & coastal management 52 (12), 593-611, 2009
Facilitating salt marsh restoration: the importance of event-based bed level dynamics and seasonal trends in bed level change
PWJM Willemsen, EM Horstman, TJ Bouma, MJ Baptist, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 793235, 2022
Optimizing methods to measure hydrodynamics in coastal wetlands: evaluating the use and positioning of ADV, ADCP AND HR-ADCP
EM Horstman, T Balke, TJ Bouma, CM Dohmen-Janssen, SJMH Hulscher
32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2010, 1-11, 2011
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Articles 1–20