Charles J Corbett
Charles J Corbett
IBM Chair in Management and Professor of Operations Management and Sustainability, UCLA Anderson
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The financial impact of ISO 9000 certification in the United States: An empirical analysis
CJ Corbett, MJ Montes-Sancho, DA Kirsch
Management science 51 (7), 1046-1059, 2005
A supplier's optimal quantity discount policy under asymmetric information
CJ Corbett, X De Groote
Management science 46 (3), 444-450, 2000
Extending the horizons: environmental excellence as key to improving operations
CJ Corbett, RD Klassen
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 8 (1), 5-22, 2006
Designing supply contracts: Contract type and information asymmetry
CJ Corbett, CS Tang
Quantitative models for supply chain management, 269-297, 1999
International diffusion of ISO 14000 certification
CJ Corbett, DA Kirsch
Production and operations management 10 (3), 327-342, 2001
Trade-offs? What trade-offs? Competence and competitiveness in manufacturing strategy
C Corbett, L Van Wassenhove
California management review 35 (4), 107-122, 1993
Stochastic inventory systems in a supply chain with asymmetric information: Cycle stocks, safety stocks, and consignment stock
CJ Corbett
Operations research 49 (4), 487-500, 2001
Partnerships to improve supply chains
CJ Corbett, JD Blackburn, LN Van Wassenhove
MIT Sloan Management Review 40 (4), 71, 1999
Competition and structure in serial supply chains with deterministic demand
CJ Corbett, US Karmarkar
Management science 47 (7), 966-978, 2001
Shared-savings contracts for indirect materials in supply chains: Channel profits and environmental impacts
CJ Corbett, GA DeCroix
Management science 47 (7), 881-893, 2001
A spatiotemporal analysis of the global diffusion of ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 certification
P Albuquerque, BJ Bronnenberg, CJ Corbett
Management science 53 (3), 451-468, 2007
Global diffusion of ISO 9000 certification through supply chains
CJ Corbett
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 8 (4), 330-350, 2006
Optimal shared-savings contracts in supply chains: Linear contracts and double moral hazard
CJ Corbett, GA DeCroix, AY Ha
European journal of operational research 163 (3), 653-667, 2005
Cournot competition under yield uncertainty: The case of the US influenza vaccine market
S Deo, CJ Corbett
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 11 (4), 563-576, 2009
Mass customization vs. mass production: Variety and price competition
A Alptekinoğlu, CJ Corbett
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 10 (2), 204-217, 2008
Double counting in supply chain carbon footprinting
F Caro, CJ Corbett, T Tan, R Zuidwijk
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 15 (4), 545-558, 2013
The natural drift: What happened to operations research?
CJ Corbett, LN Van Wassenhove
Operations Research 41 (4), 625-640, 1993
Does ISO 9000 certification pay
CJ Corbett, MJ Montes, DA Kirsch, MJ Alvarez-Gil
ISO Management Systems 2 (4), 31-40, 2002
Evaluating environmental performance using statistical process control techniques
CJ Corbett, JN Pan
European Journal of Operational Research 139 (1), 68-83, 2002
The green fee: internalizing and operationalizing environmental issues
CJ Corbett, LN Van Wassenhove
California Management Review 36 (1), 116-135, 1993
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Articles 1–20