Joćo Quinta da Fonseca
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Cited by
Plastic strain mapping with sub-micron resolution using digital image correlation
F Di Gioacchino, J Quinta da Fonseca
Experimental Mechanics 53, 743-754, 2013
An experimental study of the polycrystalline plasticity of austenitic stainless steel
F Di Gioacchino, JQ da Fonseca
International Journal of Plasticity 74, 92-109, 2015
Full‐field strain mapping by optical correlation of micrographs acquired during deformation
J Quinta da Fonseca, PM Mummery, PJ Withers
Journal of microscopy 218 (1), 9-21, 2005
How magnesium accommodates local deformation incompatibility: a high-resolution digital image correlation study
A Orozco-Caballero, D Lunt, JD Robson, JQ Da Fonseca
Acta Materialia 133, 367-379, 2017
Effect of β grain growth on variant selection and texture memory effect during α→ β→ α phase transformation in Ti–6 Al–4 V
GC Obasi, S Birosca, JQ Da Fonseca, M Preuss
Acta materialia 60 (3), 1048-1058, 2012
The effect of aluminium on twinning in binary alpha-titanium
A Fitzner, DGL Prakash, JQ Da Fonseca, M Thomas, SY Zhang, ...
Acta Materialia 103, 341-351, 2016
Deformation twinning in Ti-6Al-4 V during low strain rate deformation to moderate strains at room temperature
DGL Prakash, R Ding, RJ Moat, I Jones, PJ Withers, JQ Da Fonseca, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (21-22), 5734-5744, 2010
Texture memory and variant selection during phase transformation of a zirconium alloy
J Romero, M Preuss, JQ Da Fonseca
Acta Materialia 57 (18), 5501-5511, 2009
Influence of orientation on twin nucleation and growth at low strains in a magnesium alloy
MR Barnett, A Ghaderi, JQ Da Fonseca, JD Robson
Acta materialia 80, 380-391, 2014
Effect of nanoscale α2 precipitation on strain localisation in a two-phase Ti-alloy
D Lunt, T Busolo, X Xu, JQ Da Fonseca, M Preuss
Acta Materialia 129, 72-82, 2017
Texture development in the cold rolling of IF steel
PS Bate, JQ da Fonseca
Materials Science and Engineering: A 380 (1-2), 365-377, 2004
The influence of rolling temperature on texture evolution and variant selection during α→ β→ α phase transformation in Ti–6Al–4V
GC Obasi, S Birosca, DGL Prakash, JQ Da Fonseca, M Preuss
Acta materialia 60 (17), 6013-6024, 2012
High-temperature deformation mechanisms in a polycrystalline nickel-base superalloy studied by neutron diffraction and electron microscopy
EM Francis, BMB Grant, JQ Da Fonseca, PJ Phillips, MJ Mills, ...
Acta materialia 74, 18-29, 2014
A statistical study of the relationship between plastic strain and lattice misorientation on the surface of a deformed Ni-based superalloy
A Harte, M Atkinson, M Preuss, JQ Da Fonseca
Acta Materialia 195, 555-570, 2020
Deformation behaviour of an advanced nickel-based superalloy studied by neutron diffraction and electron microscopy
BMB Grant, EM Francis, JQ Da Fonseca, MR Daymond, M Preuss
Acta materialia 60 (19), 6829-6841, 2012
The effect of β phase on microstructure and texture evolution during thermomechanical processing of α+ β Ti alloy
DGL Prakash, P Honniball, D Rugg, PJ Withers, JQ Da Fonseca, ...
Acta Materialia 61 (9), 3200-3213, 2013
The effect of solid solution and gamma prime on the deformation modes in Ni-based superalloys
A Harte, M Atkinson, A Smith, C Drouven, S Zaefferer, JQ da Fonseca, ...
Acta Materialia 194, 257-275, 2020
Microscopic strain localisation in Ti-6Al-4V during uniaxial tensile loading
D Lunt, JQ da Fonseca, D Rugg, M Preuss
Materials Science and Engineering: A 680, 444-453, 2017
Modelling the effect of elastic and plastic anisotropies on stresses at grain boundaries
D Gonzalez, I Simonovski, PJ Withers, JQ Da Fonseca
International Journal of Plasticity 61, 49-63, 2014
Local plastic strain measurement by EBSD
M Kamaya, JQ da Fonseca, LM Li, M Preuss
Applied Mechanics and Materials 7, 173-179, 2007
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Articles 1–20