H. Hilgenkamp OR J.W.M. Hilgenkamp OR Hans Hilgenkamp
H. Hilgenkamp OR J.W.M. Hilgenkamp OR Hans Hilgenkamp
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Cited by
Magnetic effects at the interface between non-magnetic oxides
A Brinkman, M Huijben, M Van Zalk, J Huijben, U Zeitler, JC Maan, ...
Nature materials 6 (7), 493-496, 2007
Grain boundaries in high- superconductors
H Hilgenkamp, J Mannhart
Reviews of Modern Physics 74 (2), 485, 2002
Electronically coupled complementary interfaces between perovskite band insulators
M Huijben, G Rijnders, DHA Blank, S Bals, SV Aert, J Verbeeck, ...
Nature materials 5 (7), 556-560, 2006
Structure–property relation of SrTiO3/LaAlO3 interfaces
M Huijben, A Brinkman, G Koster, G Rijnders, H Hilgenkamp, DHA Blank
Advanced Materials 21 (17), 1665-1677, 2009
Josephson supercurrent through a topological insulator surface state
M Veldhorst, M Snelder, M Hoek, T Gang, VK Guduru, XL Wang, U Zeitler, ...
Nature materials 11 (5), 417-421, 2012
Implications of symmetry and faceting for the transport properties of grain boundaries in high- superconductors
H Hilgenkamp, J Mannhart, B Mayer
Physical Review B 53 (21), 14586, 1996
Electronic phase separation at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface
Ariando, X Wang, G Baskaran, ZQ Liu, J Huijben, JB Yi, A Annadi, ...
Nature communications 2 (1), 188, 2011
Enhanced supercurrent density in polycrystalline YBa2Cu3O7-δ at 77 K from calcium doping of grain boundaries
G Hammerl, A Schmehl, RR Schulz, B Götz, H Bielefeldt, CW Schneider, ...
Nature 407 (6801), 162-164, 2000
Ordering and manipulation of the magnetic moments in large-scale superconducting π-loop arrays
H Hilgenkamp, Ariando, HJH Smilde, DHA Blank, G Rijnders, H Rogalla, ...
Nature 422 (6927), 50-53, 2003
Generation of Magnetic Flux by Single Grain Boundaries of
J Mannhart, H Hilgenkamp, B Mayer, C Gerber, JR Kirtley, KA Moler, ...
Physical review letters 77 (13), 2782, 1996
Angle-resolved phase-sensitive determination of the in-plane gap symmetry in YBa2Cu3O7−δ
JR Kirtley, CC Tsuei, Ariando, CJM Verwijs, S Harkema, H Hilgenkamp
Nature physics 2 (3), 190-194, 2006
Doping-induced enhancement of the critical currents of grain boundaries in YBa2Cu3O7− δ
A Schmehl, B Götz, RR Schulz, CW Schneider, H Bielefeldt, ...
Europhysics Letters 47 (1), 110, 1999
Superconducting and normal-state properties of YBa2Cu3O7− δ-bicrystal grain boundary junctions in thin films
H Hilgenkamp, J Mannhart
Applied physics letters 73 (2), 265-267, 1998
Electronic phase separation at the LaAlO₃/SrTiO₃ interface.
X Wang, G Baskaran, ZQ Liu, J Huijben, JB Yi, A Annadi, AR Barman, ...
Nature communications 2, 188-188, 2011
Imaging and control of ferromagnetism in LaMnO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures
XR Wang, CJ Li, WM Lü, TR Paudel, DP Leusink, M Hoek, N Poccia, ...
Science 349 (6249), 716-719, 2015
NanoSQUIDs based on niobium constrictions
AGP Troeman, H Derking, B Borger, J Pleikies, D Veldhuis, H Hilgenkamp
Nano Letters 7 (7), 2152-2156, 2007
Design and realization of an all d-wave dc π-superconducting quantum interference device
RR Schulz, B Chesca, B Götz, CW Schneider, A Schmehl, H Bielefeldt, ...
Applied Physics Letters 76 (7), 912-914, 2000
d-Wave–Induced Josephson Current Counterflow in Zigzag Junctions
HJH Smilde, DHA Blank, GJ Gerritsma, H Hilgenkamp, H Rogalla
Physical review letters 88 (5), 057004, 2002
Flip-flopping fractional flux quanta
T Ortlepp, Ariando, O Mielke, CJM Verwijs, KFK Foo, H Rogalla, ...
Science 312 (5779), 1495-1497, 2006
Superconducting Mg–B films by pulsed-laser deposition in an in situ two-step process using multicomponent targets
DHA Blank, H Hilgenkamp, A Brinkman, D Mijatovic, G Rijnders, ...
Applied Physics Letters 79 (3), 394-396, 2001
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