Emily C King
Emily C King
University of Toronto, VHA Home HealthCare
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Does the “eyes lead the hand” principle apply to reach-to-grasp movements evoked by unexpected balance perturbations?
EC King, TA Lee, SM McKay, CY Scovil, AL Peters, J Pratt, BE Maki
Human movement science 30 (2), 368-383, 2011
Care Challenges in the Bathroom: The Views of Professional Care Providers Working in Clients’ Homes
EC King, PJ Holliday, GJ Andrews
Journal of Applied Gerontology 37 (4), 493-515, 2018
Does Aging Impair the Capacity to Use Stored Visuospatial Information or Online Visual Control to Guide Reach-to-Grasp Reactions Evoked by Unpredictable Balance Perturbation?
KC Cheng, SM McKay, EC King, BE Maki
The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical …, 2012
Gaze behavior of older adults in responding to unexpected loss of balance while walking in an unfamiliar environment: a pilot study
EC King, SM McKay, TA Lee, CY Scovil, AL Peters, BE Maki
Journal of Optometry 2 (3), 119-126, 2009
Design of built environments to accommodate mobility scooter users: part II
EC King, T Dutta, SM Gorski, PJ Holliday, GR Fernie
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 6 (5), 432-439, 2011
Design of built environments to accommodate mobility scooter users: part I
T Dutta, EC King, PJ Holliday, SM Gorski, GR Fernie
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 6 (1), 67-76, 2011
The use of peripheral vision to guide perturbation-evoked reach-to-grasp balance-recovery reactions
EC King, SM McKay, KC Cheng, BE Maki
Experimental brain research 207 (1-2), 105-118, 2010
Assisting frail seniors with toileting in a home bathroom: approaches used by home care providers
EC King, VM Boscart, BM Weiss, T Dutta, JP Callaghan, GR Fernie
Journal of applied gerontology 38 (5), 717-749, 2019
Reaching to recover balance in unpredictable circumstances: Is online visual control of the reach-to-grasp reaction necessary or sufficient?
KC Cheng, SM McKay, EC King, BE Maki
Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Experimentation …, 2012
Use of handrails for balance and stability: Characterizing loading profiles in younger adults
V Komisar, K Nirmalanathan, EC King, BE Maki, AC Novak
Applied Ergonomics 76, 20-31, 2019
Effect of Bathroom Aids and Age on Balance Control During Bathing Transfers
EC King, AC Novak
American Journal of Occupational Therapy 71 (6), 7106165030p1-7106165030p9, 2017
The moveable handhold: A new paradigm to study visual contributions to the control of balance-recovery reactions
KC Cheng, SM McKay, EC King, JY Tung, TA Lee, CY Scovil, BE Maki
Gait & posture 29 (2), 339-342, 2009
The evaluation of vertical pole configuration and location on assisting the sit-to-stand movement in older adults with mobility limitations
D Vena, AC Novak, EC King, T Dutta, GR Fernie
Assistive Technology 27 (4), 208-218, 2015
Extending the center of pressure to incorporate handhold forces: Derivation and sample application
J Borrelli, V Komisar, AC Novak, BE Maki, EC King
Journal of biomechanics 104, 109727, 2020
Bathing frail seniors at home: Home care providers’ approaches
EC King, BM Weiss, VM Boscart, T Dutta, JP Callaghan, GR Fernie
Work 66 (3), 499-517, 2020
Determinants of nurse's and personal support worker's adherence to facial protective equipment in a community setting during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada: A pilot study
EC King, KAP Zagrodney, SM McKay, DL Holness, KA Nichol
American Journal of Infection Control 51 (5), 490-497, 2023
Connector apparatus
AJ Hart, GR Fernie, TD Smyth, VP Komisar, EC King, PG Murray
US Patent 9,637,931, 2017
Cantilevered support system
AJ Hart, GR Fernie, TD Smyth, VP Komisar, EC King, AM Sobchak
US Patent 9,433,547, 2016
“You Have to Be Careful About Every Detail” How the COVID-19 Pandemic Shaped the Experiences of Canadian Personal Support Workers Working in Home Care
S Nizzer, A Ruco, NA Moreira, DL Holness, KA Nichol, EC King, ...
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 65 (9), e604-e609, 2023
Economic Evidence for Home and Community Care Investment: The Case for Ontario Personal Support Workers' Wage Parity.
KAP Zagrodney, EC King, D Simon, KA Nichol, SM McKay
Healthcare Policy 19 (1), 2023
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Articles 1–20