Clayton Locke
Clayton Locke
QuantX Labs
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Test of Lorentz Invariance in Electrodynamics Using Rotating<? format?> Cryogenic Sapphire Microwave Oscillators
PL Stanwix, ME Tobar, P Wolf, M Susli, CR Locke, EN Ivanov, ...
Physical review letters 95 (4), 040404, 2005
Invited article: Design techniques and noise properties of ultrastable cryogenically cooled sapphire-dielectric resonator oscillators
CR Locke, EN Ivanov, JG Hartnett, PL Stanwix, ME Tobar
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (5), 2008
Improved test of Lorentz invariance in electrodynamics<? format?> using rotating cryogenic sapphire oscillators
PL Stanwix, ME Tobar, P Wolf, CR Locke, EN Ivanov
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 74 (8), 081101, 2006
First search for gravitational wave bursts with a network of detectors
ZA Allen, P Astone, L Baggio, D Busby, M Bassan, DG Blair, M Bonaldi, ...
Physical review letters 85 (24), 5046, 2000
Direct comparison of a Ca+ single-ion clock against a Sr lattice clock to verify the absolute frequency measurement
K Matsubara, H Hachisu, Y Li, S Nagano, C Locke, A Nogami, M Kajita, ...
Optics express 20 (20), 22034-22041, 2012
Cryogenic sapphire oscillator with exceptionally high long-term frequency stability
JG Hartnett, CR Locke, EN Ivanov, ME Tobar, PL Stanwix
Applied Physics Letters 89 (20), 2006
Laser frequency comb techniques for precise astronomical spectroscopy
MT Murphy, CR Locke, PS Light, AN Luiten, JS Lawrence
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 422 (1), 761-771, 2012
Long-term operation and performance of cryogenic sapphire oscillators
ME Tobar, EN Ivanov, CR Locke, PL Stanwix, JG Hartnett, AN Luiten, ...
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 53 …, 2006
Monolithic sapphire parametric transducer operation at cryogenic temperatures
CR Locke, ME Tobar, EN Ivanov
Review of Scientific Instruments 71 (7), 2737-2741, 2000
Initial operation of the International Gravitational Event collaboration
GA Prodi, V Martinucci, R Mezzena, A Vinante, S Vitale, IS Heng, ZA Allen, ...
International Journal of Modern Physics D 9 (03), 237-245, 2000
A simple technique for accurate and complete characterisation of a Fabry-Perot cavity
CR Locke, D Stuart, EN Ivanov, AN Luiten
Optics express 17 (24), 21935-21943, 2009
Improved methods for gas mixture viscometry using a vibrating wire clamped at both ends
CR Locke, PL Stanwix, TJ Hughes, A Kisselev, ARH Goodwin, KN Marsh, ...
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 59 (5), 1619-1628, 2014
Short term frequency stability tests of two cryogenic sapphire oscillators
K Watabe, JG Hartnett, CR Locke, G Santarelli, S Yanagimachi, ...
Japanese journal of applied physics 45 (12R), 9234, 2006
Rotating resonator-oscillator experiments to test Lorentz invariance in electrodynamics
ME Tobar, PL Stanwix, M Susli, P Wolf, CR Locke, EN Ivanov
Special Relativity: Will it Survive the Next 101 Years?, 416-450, 2006
Viscosity of {xCO2+(1− x) CH4} with x= 0.5174 for temperatures between (229 and 348) K and pressures between (1 and 32) MPa
CR Locke, PL Stanwix, TJ Hughes, ML Johns, ARH Goodwin, KN Marsh, ...
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 87, 162-167, 2015
Search for gravitational wave bursts by the network of resonant detectors
P Astone, L Baggio, D Busby, M Bassan, DG Blair, M Bonaldi, P Bonifazi, ...
Classical and Quantum Gravity 19 (7), 1367, 2002
Parametric interaction of the electric and acoustic fields in a sapphire monocrystal transducer with a microwave readout
CR Locke, ME Tobar, EN Ivanov, DG Blair
Journal of applied physics 84 (12), 6523-6527, 1998
Viscosity of {xCH4 + (1 – x)C3H8} with x = 0.949 for Temperatures between (200 and 423) K and Pressures between (10 and 31) MPa
PL Stanwix, CR Locke, TJ Hughes, ML Johns, ARH Goodwin, KN Marsh, ...
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 60 (1), 118-123, 2015
Difference frequency technique to achieve frequency-temperature compensation in whispering-gallery sapphire resonator-oscillator
ME Tobar, EN Ivanov, CR Locke, JG Hartnett
Electronics Letters 38 (17), 1, 2002
Measurement of the strain-induced coefficient of permittivity of sapphire using whispering gallery modes excited in a high-Q acoustic sapphire oscillator
CR Locke, ME Tobar
Measurement Science and Technology 15 (10), 2145, 2004
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Articles 1–20