Ana Mendonça
Ana Mendonça
Professor of ECE, University of Porto
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Cited by
Segmentation of retinal blood vessels by combining the detection of centerlines and morphological reconstruction
AM Mendonca, A Campilho
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 25 (9), 1200-1213, 2006
End-to-end adversarial retinal image synthesis
P Costa, A Galdran, MI Meyer, M Niemeijer, M Abràmoff, AM Mendonça, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37 (3), 781-791, 2017
Idrid: Diabetic retinopathy–segmentation and grading challenge
P Porwal, S Pachade, M Kokare, G Deshmukh, J Son, W Bae, L Liu, ...
Medical image analysis 59, 101561, 2020
An automatic graph-based approach for artery/vein classification in retinal images
B Dashtbozorg, AM Mendonça, A Campilho
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (3), 1073-1083, 2013
E-cadherin and adherens-junctions stability in gastric carcinoma: functional implications of glycosyltransferases involving N-glycan branching biosynthesis, N …
SS Pinho, J Figueiredo, J Cabral, S Carvalho, J Dourado, A Magalhães, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 1830 (3), 2690-2700, 2013
Cell nuclei and cytoplasm joint segmentation using the sliding band filter
P Quelhas, M Marcuzzo, AM Mendonca, A Campilho
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 29 (8), 1463-1473, 2010
Towards adversarial retinal image synthesis
P Costa, A Galdran, MI Meyer, MD Abramoff, M Niemeijer, AM Mendonça, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.08974, 2017
Optic disc segmentation using the sliding band filter
B Dashtbozorg, AM Mendonça, A Campilho
Computers in biology and medicine 56, 1-12, 2015
DR| GRADUATE: Uncertainty-aware deep learning-based diabetic retinopathy grading in eye fundus images
T Araújo, G Aresta, L Mendonça, S Penas, C Maia, Â Carneiro, ...
Medical Image Analysis 63, 101715, 2020
Automatic localization of the optic disc by combining vascular and intensity information
AM Mendonça, A Sousa, L Mendonça, A Campilho
Computerized medical imaging and graphics 37 (5-6), 409-417, 2013
Data-driven color augmentation techniques for deep skin image analysis
A Galdran, A Alvarez-Gila, MI Meyer, CL Saratxaga, T Araújo, E Garrote, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.03702, 2017
Automatic segmentation of microaneurysms in retinal angiograms of diabetic patients
AM Mendonca, AJ Campilho, JM Nunes
Proceedings 10th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing …, 1999
Data augmentation for improving proliferative diabetic retinopathy detection in eye fundus images
T Araújo, G Aresta, L Mendonça, S Penas, C Maia, A Carneiro, ...
IEEE access 8, 182462-182474, 2020
A pixel-wise distance regression approach for joint retinal optical disc and fovea detection
MI Meyer, A Galdran, AM Mendonça, A Campilho
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2018: 21st …, 2018
Conventional filtering versus u-net based models for pulmonary nodule segmentation in ct images
J Rocha, A Cunha, AM Mendonça
Journal of Medical Systems 44 (4), 81, 2020
Detection of lung nodule candidates in chest radiographs
CS Pereira, H Fernandes, AM Mendonça, A Campilho
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Third Iberian Conference, IbPRIA …, 2007
Fibronectin-mediated endothelialisation of chitosan porous matrices
IF Amaral, RE Unger, S Fuchs, AM Mendonça, SR Sousa, MA Barbosa, ...
Biomaterials 30 (29), 5465-5475, 2009
Automated Arabidopsis plant root cell segmentation based on SVM classification and region merging
M Marcuzzo, P Quelhas, A Campilho, AM Mendonça, A Campilho
Computers in Biology and Medicine 39 (9), 785-793, 2009
Microaneurysm detection in color eye fundus images for diabetic retinopathy screening
T Melo, AM Mendonça, A Campilho
Computers in biology and medicine 126, 103995, 2020
Gradient convergence filters and a phase congruency approach for in vivo cell nuclei detection
T Esteves, P Quelhas, AM Mendonça, A Campilho
Machine Vision and Applications 23, 623-638, 2012
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Articles 1–20