Thomas R Clandinin
Thomas R Clandinin
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Fly Cell Atlas: A single-nucleus transcriptomic atlas of the adult fruit fly
H Li, J Janssens, M De Waegeneer, SS Kolluru, K Davie, V Gardeux, ...
Science 375 (6584), eabk2432, 2022
Dietary fat: exogenous determination of membrane structure and cell function
MT Clandinin, S Cheema, CJ Field, ML Garg, J Venkatraman, ...
The FASEB journal 5 (13), 2761-2769, 1991
N-cadherin regulates target specificity in the Drosophila visual system
CH Lee, T Herman, TR Clandinin, R Lee, SL Zipursky
Neuron 30 (2), 437-450, 2001
Subcellular imaging of voltage and calcium signals reveals neural processing in vivo
HH Yang, F St-Pierre, X Sun, X Ding, MZ Lin, TR Clandinin
Cell 166 (1), 245-257, 2016
Defining the computational structure of the motion detector in Drosophila
DA Clark, L Bursztyn, MA Horowitz, MJ Schnitzer, TR Clandinin
Neuron 70 (6), 1165-1177, 2011
Processing properties of ON and OFF pathways for Drosophila motion detection
R Behnia, DA Clark, AG Carter, TR Clandinin, C Desplan
Nature 512 (7515), 427-430, 2014
Different levels of the C. elegans growth factor LIN-3 promote distinct vulval precursor fates
WS Katz, RJ Hill, TR Clandinin, PW Sternberg
Cell 82 (2), 297-307, 1995
Inositol trisphosphate mediates a RAS-independent response to LET-23 receptor tyrosine kinase activation in C. elegans
TR Clandinin, JA DeModena, PW Sternberg
Cell 92 (4), 523-533, 1998
A versatile in vivo system for directed dissection of gene expression patterns
DM Gohl, MA Silies, XJ Gao, S Bhalerao, FJ Luongo, CC Lin, CJ Potter, ...
Nature methods 8 (3), 231-237, 2011
Fast two-photon imaging of subcellular voltage dynamics in neuronal tissue with genetically encoded indicators
S Chamberland, HH Yang, MM Pan, SW Evans, S Guan, M Chavarha, ...
elife 6, e25690, 2017
The protocadherin Flamingo is required for axon target selection in the Drosophila visual system
RC Lee, TR Clandinin, CH Lee, PL Chen, IA Meinertzhagen, SL Zipursky
Nature neuroscience 6 (6), 557-563, 2003
Making connections in the fly visual system
TR Clandinin, SL Zipursky
Neuron 35 (5), 827-841, 2002
sli-1, a negative regulator of let-23-mediated signaling in C. elegans.
GD Jongeward, TR Clandinin, PW Sternberg
Genetics 139 (4), 1553-1566, 1995
Drosophila LAR regulates R1-R6 and R7 target specificity in the visual system
TR Clandinin, CH Lee, T Herman, RC Lee, AY Yang, S Ovasapyan, ...
Neuron 32 (2), 237-248, 2001
Loom-sensitive neurons link computation to action in the Drosophila visual system
SEJ De Vries, TR Clandinin
Current Biology 22 (5), 353-362, 2012
Modular use of peripheral input channels tunes motion-detecting circuitry
M Silies, DM Gohl, YE Fisher, L Freifeld, DA Clark, TR Clandinin
Neuron 79 (1), 111-127, 2013
The agrin/perlecan-related protein eyes shut is essential for epithelial lumen formation in the Drosophila retina
N Husain, M Pellikka, H Hong, T Klimentova, KM Choe, TR Clandinin, ...
Developmental cell 11 (4), 483-493, 2006
Drosophila N-cadherin mediates an attractive interaction between photoreceptor axons and their targets
S Prakash, JC Caldwell, DF Eberl, TR Clandinin
Nature neuroscience 8 (4), 443-450, 2005
Motion processing streams in Drosophila are behaviorally specialized
AY Katsov, TR Clandinin
Neuron 59 (2), 322-335, 2008
Genetic dissection reveals two separate retinal substrates for polarization vision in Drosophila
MF Wernet, MM Velez, DA Clark, F Baumann-Klausener, JR Brown, ...
Current Biology 22 (1), 12-20, 2012
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Articles 1–20