Maral Mahdad
Cited by
Cited by
Stakeholder management in SME open innovation: interdependences and strategic actions
E Albats, A Alexander, M Mahdad, K Miller, G Post
Journal of Business Research 119, 291-301, 2020
Moving beyond intermediation: How intermediary organizations shape collaboration dynamics in entrepreneurial ecosystems
R Hernández-Chea, M Mahdad, TT Minh, CN Hjortsř
Technovation 108, 102332, 2021
A smart web of firms, farms and internet of things (IOT): enabling collaboration-based business models in the agri-food industry
M Mahdad, M Hasanov, G Isakhanyan, W Dolfsma
British Food Journal 124 (6), 1857-1874, 2022
The value of scientific knowledge dissemination for scientists—A value capture perspective
S Beck, M Mahdad, K Beukel, M Poetz
Publications 7 (3), 54, 2019
Case studies on open innovation in ICT
A Di Minin, CE De Marco, C Marullo, A Piccaluga, E Casprini, M Mahdad, ...
EUR, 2016
Harnessing adaptive capacity to close the pandora’s box of open innovation
M Mahdad, CE De Marco, A Piccaluga, A Di Minin
Industry and Innovation 27 (3), 2021
Joint university-industry laboratories through the lens of proximity dimensions: moving beyond geographical proximity
M Maral, TT Minh, MLAM Bogers, A Piccaluga
International Journal of Innovation Science, 2020
Heterogeneity of inter-organizational collaborations in agrifood chain sustainability-oriented innovations
C Cholez, O Pauly, M Mahdad, S Mehrabi, C Giagnocavo, J Bijman
Agricultural Systems 212, 103774, 2023
Cognition and innovation
KJ Sund, RJ Galavan, S Brusoni
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018
Unpacking ecosystem dynamics in the construction industry: The transition toward circular construction ecosystems
F Havinga, M Mahdad, W Dolfsma
Journal of Cleaner Production 414, 137455, 2023
Why open innovation is easier said than done: an organizational identity perspective
M Mahdad, CE De Marco, A Piccaluga, A Di Minin
Journal of Innovation Management 8 (2), 47-67, 2020
Transfer of Space Technologies in Iran: Drivers and Constraints of Success
S Shahebrahimi, M Mahdad, MRM Aliha, AB Naeini
Space Policy 64, 101518, 2023
Unpacking hybrid organizing in a born green entrepreneurial company
J Sheppard, M Mahdad
Sustainability 13 (20), 11353, 2021
Popularity of patent commercialization policies: Iran as a case
SK Bagheri, M Goodarzi, M Mahdad, MSA Eshtehardi
World Patent Information 66, 102063, 2021
The Micro-dynamics of University-Industry Collaboration: The case of Telecom Italia Joint Open Labs
Open strategizing for developing smart city food system: Stakeholder inclusion in practice
M Mahdad, TT Minh, TT Dinh, W Vanhaverbeke
Technology in Society 77, 102516, 2024
Exploring the Organization of University–Industry Joint Laboratories: A Leadership Perspective'
M Mahdad, M Bogers, A Piccaluga, A Di Minin
Kristian J. Sund Robert J. Galavan Stefano Brusoni (ed.) Cognition and …, 2018
Telemedizinische Assistenzsysteme in der Rehabilitation und Nachsorge–Anwendungsbereiche und aktuelle Studienergebnisse
M John, J Einhaus
B&G Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport 33 (05), 188-196, 2017
The future of fruit farming
L van Haarlem, J Bijman, M Mahdad
Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, 2020
When industry and university live under the same roof: Telecom Italia’s joint laboratories initiatives
M Mahdad, A Piccaluga, A Di Minin
R&D management 2015, 121, 2015
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Articles 1–20