Yihsu Chen
Yihsu Chen
Professor of Technology Management in Sustainability
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CO2 cost pass-through and windfall profits in the power sector
J Sijm, K Neuhoff, Y Chen
Climate policy 6 (1), 49-72, 2006
Green infrastructure: The effects of urban rail transit on air quality
Y Chen, A Whalley
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 4 (1), 58-97, 2012
CO2 price dynamics. The implications of EU emissions trading for the price of electricity
JPM Sijm, SJA Bakker, HW Harmsen, W Lise, Y Chen
Energy research Centre of the Netherlands ECN, 2005
An oligopolistic power market model with tradable NO/sub x/permits
Y Chen, BF Hobbs
iEEE Transactions on Power systems 20 (1), 119-129, 2005
Implications of CO2 emissions trading for short-run electricity market outcomes in northwest Europe
Y Chen, J Sijm, BF Hobbs, W Lise
Journal of Regulatory Economics 34, 251-281, 2008
Leader-Follower Equilibria for Electric Power and NO x Allowances Markets
Y Chen, BF Hobbs, S Leyffer, TS Munson
Computational Management Science 3, 307-330, 2006
Does a regional greenhouse gas policy make sense? A case study of carbon leakage and emissions spillover
Y Chen
Energy Economics 31 (5), 667-675, 2009
Allocation and leakage in regional cap-and-trade markets for CO2
J Bushnell, Y Chen
Resource and Energy Economics 34 (4), 647-668, 2012
Increased estimates of air-pollution emissions from Brazilian sugar-cane ethanol
CC Tsao, JE Campbell, M Mena-Carrasco, SN Spak, GR Carmichael, ...
Nature Climate Change 2 (1), 53-57, 2012
Economic and emissions implications of load-based, source-based, and first-seller emissions trading programs under California AB32
Y Chen, AL Liu, BF Hobbs
Operations research 59 (3), 696-712, 2011
Market power in renewable portfolio standards
M Tanaka, Y Chen
Energy Economics 39, 187-196, 2013
Downstream regulation of CO2 emissions in California's electricity sector
J Bushnell, Y Chen, M Zaragoza-Watkins
Energy Policy 64, 313-323, 2014
The impact of power market structure on CO2 cost pass-through to electricity prices under quantity competition–A theoretical approach
J Sijm, Y Chen, BF Hobbs
Energy Economics 34 (4), 1143-1152, 2012
When renewable portfolio standards meet cap-and-trade regulations in the electricity sector: Market interactions, profits implications, and policy redundancy
CC Tsao, JE Campbell, Y Chen
Energy Policy 39 (7), 3966-3974, 2011
Are targets for renewable portfolio standards too low? The impact of market structure on energy policy
AS Siddiqui, M Tanaka, Y Chen
European Journal of Operational Research 250 (1), 328-341, 2016
Inducing clean technology in the electricity sector: tradable permits or carbon tax policies?
Y Chen, CL Tseng
The Energy Journal 32 (3), 2011
Economic and energy impacts from participation in the regional greenhouse gas initiative: A case study of the State of Maryland
M Ruth, SA Gabriel, KL Palmer, D Burtraw, A Paul, Y Chen, BF Hobbs, ...
Energy Policy 36 (6), 2279-2289, 2008
CO2 price dynamics. A follow-up analysis of the implications of EU emissions trading for the price of electricity
JPM Sijm, M Ten Donkelaar, JS Hers, MJJ Scheepers, Y Chen
Energy research Centre of the Netherlands ECN, 2006
Potential impact of recharging plug‐in hybrid electric vehicles on locational marginal prices
L Wang, A Lin, Y Chen
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 57 (8), 686-700, 2010
An oligopoly model to analyze the market and social welfare for green manufacturing industry
G Hu, L Wang, Y Chen, B Bidanda
Journal of cleaner production 85, 94-103, 2014
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Articles 1–20