Eric S. Michel
Eric S. Michel
Ungulate Research Scientist - Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
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Effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on physiology and reproductive characteristics of captive female and fawn white-tailed deer
EH Berheim, JA Jenks, JG Lundgren, ES Michel, D Grove, WF Jensen
Scientific reports 9 (1), 4534, 2019
Improved nutrition cues switch from efficiency to luxury phenotypes for a long‐lived ungulate
ES Michel, EB Flinn, S Demarais, BK Strickland, G Wang, CM Dacus
Ecology and Evolution 6 (20), 7276-7285, 2016
Weather and landscape factors affect white-tailed deer neonate survival at ecologically important life stages in the Northern Great Plains
ES Michel, JA Jenks, KD Kaskie, RW Klaver, WF Jensen
PLoS One 13 (4), e0195247, 2018
The effect of weather on the decision to migrate from stopover sites by autumn-migrating ducks
BJ O’Neal, JD Stafford, RP Larkin, ES Michel
Movement Ecology 6, 1-9, 2018
contrasting effects of maternal and behavioral characteristics on fawn birth mass in White-tailed Deer
E Michel, S Demarais, B Strickland, J Belant
PLoS ONE, 2015
Antler characteristics are highly heritable but influenced by maternal factors
ES Michel, S Demarais, BK Strickland, T Smith, CM Dacus
The Journal of Wildlife Management 80 (8), 1420-1426, 2016
Relative reproductive phenology and synchrony affect neonate survival in a nonprecocial ungulate
ES Michel, BK Strickland, S Demarais, JL Belant, TM Kautz, JF Duquette, ...
Functional Ecology 34 (12), 2536-2547, 2020
Habitat selection of white-tailed deer fawns and their dams in the Northern Great Plains
ES Michel, BS Gullikson, KL Brackel, BA Schaffer, JA Jenks, WF Jensen
Mammal Research 65, 825-833, 2020
Assessing factors affecting adult female white-tailed deer survival in the Northern Great Plains
KL Moratz, BS Gullikson, ES Michel, JA Jenks, DM Grove, WF Jensen
Wildlife Research 45 (8), 679-684, 2018
Effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on physiology and reproductive characteristics of captive female and fawn white-tailed deer. Sci Rep 9: 4534
EH Berheim, JA Jenks, JG Lundgren, ES Michel, D Grove, WF Jensen
Quantifying dominance of adult female white-tailed deer in the presence of abundant food
E Michel, B Demarais, Stephen, Strickland, J Belant, Jerrold, Millspaugh
Behaviour, 2015
Body mass influences maternal allocation more than parity status for a long-lived cervid mother
ES Michel, S Demarais, BK Strickland, JL Belant, LE Castle
Journal of mammalogy 100 (5), 1459-1465, 2019
Birth date promotes a tortoise or hare tactic for body mass development of a long-lived male ungulate
ES Michel, S Demarais, BK Strickland, G Wang
Oecologia 186, 117-128, 2018
Use of Drones With Thermal Infrared to Locate White‐tailed Deer Neonates for Capture
TR Obermoller, AS Norton, ES Michel, BS Haroldson
Wildlife Society Bulletin 45 (4), 682-689, 2021
Capture method affects survival estimates and subsequent interpretation of ecological covariates for a long‐lived cervid
KL Brackel, ES Michel, BS Gullikson, JA Jenks, WF Jensen
Ecology and Evolution 11 (11), 6444-6455, 2021
Reproductive parameters of moose during population expansion in North Dakota
WF Jensen, JJ Maskey Jr, JR Smith, ES Michel
Alces: A Journal Devoted to the Biology and Management of Moose 54, 27-36, 2018
Camouflage patterns are highly heritable but predictability varies among three populations of white‐tailed deer
CB Henderson, ES Michel, S Demarais, BK Strickland
Ecosphere 9 (3), e02169, 2018
Protocol for assessing the relative effects of environment and genetics on antler and body growth for a long-lived cervid
ES Michel, EB Flinn, S Demarais, BK Strickland, G Wang, CM Dacus
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 56059, 2017
The role of genetics and nutrition in deer management
E Michel, S Demarais, B Strickland, A Blaylock, W McKinley, C Dacus, ...
Mississippi State University Extension Service Publication 3013, 2017
Evaluation of fall‐seeded cover crops for grassland nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota
CW Gallman, TW Arnold, ES Michel, JD Stafford
Wildlife Society Bulletin, e1484, 2023
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