Peter Hedström
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Cited by
Effect of carbon content on variant pairing of martensite in Fe–C alloys
A Stormvinter, G Miyamoto, T Furuhara, P Hedström, A Borgenstam
Acta materialia 60 (20), 7265-7274, 2012
An improved thermodynamic modeling of the Fe–Cr system down to zero kelvin coupled with key experiments
W Xiong, P Hedström, M Selleby, J Odqvist, M Thuvander, Q Chen
Calphad 35 (3), 355-366, 2011
Deformation microstructure and deformation-induced martensite in austenitic Fe-Cr-Ni alloys depending on stacking fault energy
YE Tian, OI Gorbatov, A Borgenstam, AV Ruban, P Hedström
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 48, 1-7, 2017
Combustion synthesis of Y2O3 and Yb–Y2O3: Part I. Nanopowders and their characterization
RV Mangalaraja, J Mouzon, P Hedström, I Kero, KVS Ramam, ...
Journal of materials processing technology 208 (1-3), 415-422, 2008
Quantitative evaluation of spinodal decomposition in Fe-Cr by atom probe tomography and radial distribution function analysis
J Zhou, J Odqvist, M Thuvander, P Hedström
Microscopy and Microanalysis 19 (3), 665-675, 2013
Microwave assisted combustion synthesis of nanocrystalline yttria and its powder characteristics
RV Mangalaraja, J Mouzon, P Hedström, CP Camurri, S Ananthakumar, ...
Powder Technology 191 (3), 309-314, 2009
Stepwise transformation behavior of the strain-induced martensitic transformation in a metastable stainless steel
P Hedström, U Lienert, J Almer, M Odén
Scripta materialia 56 (3), 213-216, 2007
Load partitioning and strain-induced martensite formation during tensile loading of a metastable austenitic stainless steel
P Hedström, LE Lindgren, J Almer, U Lienert, J Bernier, M Terner, M Odén
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 40, 1039-1048, 2009
Direct Observation that Bainite can Grow Below MS
P Kolmskog, A Borgenstam, M Hillert, P Hedström, SS Babu, H Terasaki, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43, 4984-4988, 2012
Concurrent phase separation and clustering in the ferrite phase during low temperature stress aging of duplex stainless steel weldments
J Zhou, J Odqvist, M Thuvander, S Hertzman, P Hedström
Acta Materialia 60 (16), 5818-5827, 2012
Machine learning to predict the martensite start temperature in steels
M Rahaman, W Mu, J Odqvist, P Hedström
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50, 2081-2091, 2019
The 475 C embrittlement in Fe–20Cr and Fe–20Cr–X (X= Ni, Cu, Mn) alloys studied by mechanical testing and atom probe tomography
P Hedström, F Huyan, J Zhou, S Wessman, M Thuvander, J Odqvist
Materials Science and Engineering: A 574, 123-129, 2013
In situ small-angle x-ray scattering study of nanostructure evolution during decomposition of arc evaporated TiAlN coatings
M Oden, L Rogström, A Knutsson, MR Terner, P Hedström, J Almer, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (5), 2009
Exploring the relationship between the microstructure and strength of fresh and tempered martensite in a maraging stainless steel Fe–15Cr–5Ni
T Zhou, J Faleskog, RP Babu, J Odqvist, H Yu, P Hedström
Materials Science and Engineering: A 745, 420-428, 2019
Load partitioning between single bulk grains in a two-phase duplex stainless steel during tensile loading
P Hedström, TS Han, U Lienert, J Almer, M Odén
Acta Materialia 58 (2), 734-744, 2010
Quantitative electron microscopy and physically based modelling of Cu precipitation in precipitation-hardening martensitic stainless steel 15-5 PH
T Zhou, RP Babu, J Odqvist, H Yu, P Hedström
Materials & Design 143, 141-149, 2018
Nanostructure evolution and mechanical property changes during aging of a super duplex stainless steel at 300 C
N Pettersson, S Wessman, M Thuvander, P Hedström, J Odqvist, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 647, 241-248, 2015
Recent developments of crystallographic analysis methods in the scanning electron microscope for applications in metallurgy
R Borrajo-Pelaez, P Hedström
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 43 (6), 455-474, 2018
Synthesis and phase separation of (Ti, Zr) C
I Borgh, P Hedström, A Blomqvist, J Ågren, J Odqvist
Acta materialia 66, 209-218, 2014
High-temperature confocal laser scanning microscopy studies of ferrite formation in inclusion-engineered steels: a review
W Mu, P Hedström, H Shibata, PG Jönsson, K Nakajima
Jom 70, 2283-2295, 2018
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Articles 1–20