Hyunga Choi
Hyunga Choi
School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
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Cited by
Accurate continuous sweeping framework in indoor spaces with backpack sensor system for applications to 3-D mapping
K Lee, SH Ryu, S Yeon, HG Cho, CH Jun, J Kang, H Choi, J Hyeon, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 1 (1), 316-323, 2016
Detection and compensation of degeneracy cases for imu-kinect integrated continuous slam with plane features
HG Cho, S Yeon, H Choi, N Doh
Sensors 18 (4), 935, 2018
Robust-PCA-based hierarchical plane extraction for application to geometric 3D indoor mapping
S Yeon, CH Jun, H Choi, J Kang, Y Yun, N Lett Doh
Industrial Robot: An International Journal 41 (2), 203-212, 2014
Teevr: spatial template-based acquisition, modeling, and rendering of large-scale indoor spaces
N Doh, H Choi, B Jang, S Ahn, H Jung, S Lee
ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Emerging Technologies, 1-1, 2019
The analysis of effect of observation models and data associations on the consistency of EKF SLAM
YH Lee, C Jun, HA Choi, SH Ryu, NL Doh
2011 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient …, 2011
Automatic spatial template generation for realistic 3d modeling of large-scale indoor spaces
J Hyeon, H Choi, JH Kim, B Jang, J Kang, N Doh
2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2019
Analysis of the reference coordinate system used in the EKF-based SLAM
K Lee, S Ryu, J Kang, H Choi, CH Jun, NL Don
2014 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient …, 2014
KR-Net: A dependable visual kidnap recovery network for indoor spaces
J Hyeon, D Kim, B Jang, H Choi, DH Yi, K Yoo, J Choi, N Doh
2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2020
Towards a realistic indoor world reconstruction: Preliminary results for an object-oriented 3D RGB-D mapping
CH Jun, J Kang, S Yeon, H Choi, TY Chung, NL Doh
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 23 (2), 207-218, 2017
3D pose estimation with one plane correspondence using kinect and IMU
HG Cho, S Yeon, H Choi, NL Doh
2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2015
Joint solution for the online 3D photorealistic mapping using SfM and SLAM
H Choi, CH Jun, S Li Yuen, HG Cho, NL Doh
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 10 (1), 8, 2013
Photo-realistic 3D model based accurate visual positioning system for large-scale indoor spaces
J Hyeon, B Jang, H Choi, J Kim, D Kim, N Doh
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 123, 106256, 2023
RANSAC-based data association algorithm for the application to 3D SLAM
Y Yun, S Yeon, C Jun, H Choi, J Kang, NL Doh
Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference, 109-111, 2012
Spatial template-based geometric complexity reduction method for photo-realistic modeling of large-scale indoor spaces
J Hyeon, J Kim, H Choi, B Jang, J Kang, N Doh
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 116, 105369, 2022
CLoc: Confident initial estimation of long-term visual localization using a few sequential images in large-scale spaces
J Kim, J Hyeon, H Choi, B Jang, B Jeong, N Doh
IEEE Sensors Journal 23 (8), 8613-8629, 2023
Detection and utilization of vertical intersection in feature-less environment with RGB-depth sensor
H Choi, S Yeon, NL Doh
2015 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient …, 2015
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Articles 1–16