Egor Babaev
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Cited by
A superconductor to superfluid phase transition in liquid metallic hydrogen
E Babaev, A Sudbø, NW Ashcroft
Nature 431 (7009), 666-668, 2004
Vortices with fractional flux in two-gap superconductors and in extended Faddeev model
E Babaev
Physical review letters 89 (6), 67001, 2002
Hidden symmetry and knot solitons in a charged two-condensate Bose system
E Babaev, LD Faddeev, AJ Niemi
Phys. Rev. B 65, 100512(R), 2002
Semi-Meissner state and neither type-I nor type-II superconductivity in multicomponent superconductors
E Babaev, M Speight
Physical Review B 72 (18), 180502, 2005
Superfluid states of matter
BV Svistunov, ES Babaev, NV Prokof'ev
Crc Press, 2015
Microscopic theory of type-1.5 superconductivity in multiband systems
M Silaev, E Babaev
Physical Review B 84 (9), 094515, 2011
Microscopic derivation of two-component Ginzburg-Landau model and conditions of its applicability in two-band systems
M Silaev, E Babaev
Physical Review B 85 (13), 134514, 2012
Type-1.5 superconducting state from an intrinsic proximity effect in two-band superconductors
E Babaev, J Carlström, M Speight
Physical review letters 105 (6), 067003, 2010
Length scales, collective modes, and type-1.5 regimes in three-band superconductors
J Carlström, J Garaud, E Babaev
Physical Review B 84 (13), 134518, 2011
Nonperturbative XY-model approach to strong coupling superconductivity in two and three dimensions
E Babaev, H Kleinert
Physical Review B 59 (18), 12083, 1999
Topological solitons in three-band superconductors with broken time reversal symmetry
J Garaud, J Carlström, E Babaev
Physical review letters 107 (19), 197001, 2011
Type-1.5 superconductivity in multiband systems: Effects of interband couplings
J Carlström, E Babaev, M Speight
Physical Review B 83 (17), 174509, 2011
Dual neutral variables and knot solitons in triplet superconductors
E Babaev
Physical review letters 88 (17), 177002, 2002
Chiral skyrmions in three-band superconductors
J Garaud, J Carlström, E Babaev, M Speight
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (1), 014507, 2013
Phase diagram of planar< i> U</i>(1)×< i> U</i>(1) superconductor: Condensation of vortices with fractional flux and a superfluid state
E Babaev
Nuclear Physics B 686 (3), 397-412, 2004
Field-and temperature-induced topological phase transitions in the three-dimensional N-component London superconductor
J Smiseth, E Smørgrav, E Babaev, A Sudbø
Physical Review B 71 (21), 214509, 2005
Domain Walls and Their Experimental Signatures in Superconductors
J Garaud, E Babaev
Physical review letters 112 (1), 017003, 2014
Magnetic field delocalization and flux inversion in fractional vortices in two-component superconductors
E Babaev, J Jäykkä, M Speight
Physical review letters 103 (23), 237002, 2009
Phase transitions in a three dimensional lattice London superconductor: Metallic superfluid and charge- superconducting states
EV Herland, E Babaev, A Sudbø
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (13), 134511, 2010
Spin-orbit protection of induced superconductivity in Majorana nanowires
JDS Bommer, H Zhang, Ö Gül, B Nijholt, M Wimmer, FN Rybakov, ...
Physical review letters 122 (18), 187702, 2019
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