Jared D. Martin
Cited by
Cited by
Functional smiles: Tools for love, sympathy, and war
M Rychlowska, RE Jack, OGB Garrod, PG Schyns, JD Martin, ...
Psychological science 28 (9), 1259-1270, 2017
Smiles as multipurpose social signals
J Martin, M Rychlowska, A Wood, P Niedenthal
Trends in cognitive sciences 21 (11), 864-877, 2017
Towards a social functional account of laughter: Acoustic features convey reward, affiliation, and dominance
A Wood, J Martin, P Niedenthal
PloS one 12 (8), e0183811, 2017
Emojis as social information in digital communication.
TM Erle, K Schmid, SH Goslar, JD Martin
Emotion 22 (7), 1529, 2022
Evidence for distinct facial signals of reward, affiliation, and dominance from both perception and production tasks
JD Martin, A Wood, WTL Cox, S Sievert, R Nowak, E Gilboa-Schechtman, ...
Affective Science 2, 14-30, 2021
Functionally distinct smiles elicit different physiological responses in an evaluative context
JD Martin, HC Abercrombie, E Gilboa-Schechtman, PM Niedenthal
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 3558, 2018
Personality across world regions predicts variability in the structure of face impressions
DW Oh, JD Martin, JB Freeman
Psychological science 33 (8), 1240-1256, 2022
Brain-wide mapping reveals that engrams for a single memory are distributed across multiple brain regions. Nat. Commun. 13, 1799
DS Roy, YG Park, ME Kim, Y Zhang, SK Ogawa, N DiNapoli, X Gu, ...
Dominance, reward, and affiliation smiles modulate the meaning of uncooperative or untrustworthy behaviour
M Rychlowska, J van der Schalk, P Niedenthal, J Martin, SM Carpenter, ...
Cognition and Emotion 35 (7), 1281-1301, 2021
A sad thumbs up: incongruent gestures and disrupted sensorimotor activity both slow processing of facial expressions
A Wood, JD Martin, MW Alibali, PM Niedenthal
Cognition and Emotion 33 (6), 1196-1209, 2018
Valuation of emotion underlies cultural variation in cardiovascular stress responses.
J Yoo, J Martin, P Niedenthal, Y Miyamoto
Emotion 22 (8), 1801, 2022
Semantic similarity of social functional smiles and laughter
A Wood, S Sievert, J Martin
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 46 (4), 399-420, 2022
Emojis as social information in digital communication. Emotion. Advance online publication
TM Erle, K Schmid, SH Goslar, JD Martin
Living in ancestrally diverse states of the United States is associated with greater vagal tone
EG Harrod, I Shrira, JD Martin, PM Niedenthal
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 1068456, 2023
Low cardiac vagal control is associated with genetic liability for elevated triglycerides and risky health behaviors
JD Martin, FD Mann, RF Krueger
Biological psychology 153, 107892, 2020
Reward, affiliation, and dominance smiles communicate different social motives following trust violations
M Rychlowska, J van der Schalk, P Niedenthal, J Martin, SM Carpenter, ...
PsyArXiv, 2020
Gender Differences in the Form and Function of Naturally Occurring Smiles
Z Hansen, P Niedenthal, J Martin, A Wood
Collabra: Psychology 10 (1), 2024
" Hippocampal neurons represent events as transferable units of experience": Correction.
C Sun, W Yang, J Martin, S Tonegawa
Nature Publishing Group, 2021
Correction to: Evidence for Distinct Facial Signals of Reward, Affiliation, and Dominance from Both Perception and Production Tasks
JD Martin, A Wood, WTL Cox, S Sievert, R Nowak, E Gilboa-Schechtman, ...
Affective Science 2 (1), 31, 2021
PSA001 (Martin, Wood, & Oh)
J Martin, AR WOOD, DW Oh
PsyArXiv, 2020
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Articles 1–20