Ulrik Schultz
Cited by
Cited by
A survey of open-source UAV flight controllers and flight simulators
E Ebeid, M Skriver, KH Terkildsen, K Jensen, UP Schultz
Microprocessors and Microsystems 61, 11-20, 2018
Automatic program specialization for Java
UP Schultz, JL Lawall, C Consel
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 25 (4), 452-499, 2003
Java bytecode compression for low-end embedded systems
LR Clausen, UP Schultz, C Consel, G Muller
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 22 (3), 471-489, 2000
Towards automatic specialization of Java programs
U Pagh Schultz, JL Lawall, C Consel, G Muller
European Conference on Object-oriented Programming, 367-390, 1999
What makes agile software development agile?
M Kuhrmann, P Tell, R Hebig, J Klünder, J Münch, O Linssen, D Pfahl, ...
IEEE transactions on software engineering 48 (9), 3523-3539, 2021
Lambda-dropping: Transforming recursive equations into programs with block structure
O Danvy, UP Schultz
Theoretical computer science 248 (1-2), 243-287, 2000
A distributed and morphology-independent strategy for adaptive locomotion in self-reconfigurable modular robots
DJ Christensen, UP Schultz, K Stoy
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 61 (9), 1021-1035, 2013
Harissa: A hybrid approach to Java execution
G Muller, UP Schultz
IEEE software 16 (2), 44-51, 1999
A unified simulator for self-reconfigurable robots
D Christensen, D Brandt, K Stoy, UP Schultz
2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2008
Automatic error recovery in robot assembly operations using reverse execution
JS Laursen, UP Schultz, LP Ellekilde
2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2015
Specialization patterns
UP Schultz, JI Lawall, C Consel
Proceedings ASE 2000. Fifteenth IEEE International Conference on Automated …, 2000
Modelling reversible execution of robotic assembly
JS Laursen, LP Ellekilde, UP Schultz
Robotica 36 (5), 625-654, 2018
Compiling java for low-end embedded systems
UP Schultz, K Burgaard, FG Christensen, JL Knudsen
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 38 (7), 42-50, 2003
Towards rule-based dynamic safety monitoring for mobile robots
S Adam, M Larsen, K Jensen, UP Schultz
Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots: 4th …, 2014
Partial evaluation for class-based object-oriented languages
UP Schultz
Symposium on Program as Data Objects, 173-197, 2001
Rule-based dynamic safety monitoring for mobile robots
MS Adam, M Larsen, K Jensen, UP Schultz
Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics 7 (1), 120-141, 2016
Robust and reversible execution of self-reconfiguration sequences
U Schultz, M Bordignon, K Stoy
Robotica 29 (1), 35-57, 2011
Object-oriented software engineering using partial evaluation
U Schultz
Publication interne- IRISA, 2001
Lambda-lifting in quadratic time
O Danvy, UP Schultz
International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming, 134-151, 2002
HartOS-A hardware implemented RTOS for hard real-time applications
AB Lange, KH Andersen, UP Schultz, AS Sørensen
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (7), 207-213, 2012
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Articles 1–20