Ewan Hunter
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Cited by
How quantitative is metabarcoding: A meta‐analytical approach
PD Lamb, E Hunter, JK Pinnegar, S Creer, RG Davies, MI Taylor
Molecular ecology 28 (2), 420-430, 2019
Can otolith elemental chemistry retrospectively track migrations in fully marine fishes?
AM Sturrock, CN Trueman, AM Darnaude, E Hunter
Journal of Fish Biology 81 (2), 766-795, 2012
Quantifying physiological influences on otolith microchemistry
AM Sturrock, E Hunter, JA Milton, EIMF, RC Johnson, CP Waring, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6 (7), 806-816, 2015
Migration route and spawning area fidelity by North Sea plaice
E Hunter, JD Metcalfe, JD Reynolds
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2003
Physiological influences can outweigh environmental signals in otolith microchemistry research
AM Sturrock, CN Trueman, JA Milton, CP Waring, MJ Cooper, E Hunter
Marine Ecology Progress Series 500, 245-264, 2014
Intertidal migration by the shore crab Carcinus maenas
E Hunter, E Naylor
Marine Ecology-Progress Series 101, 131-131, 1993
Migratory behaviour of the thornback ray, Raja clavata, in the southern North Sea
E Hunter, AA Buckley, C Stewart, JD Metcalfe
JMBA-Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 85 …, 2005
Impacts of migratory behaviour on population structure in North Sea plaice
E Hunter, JD Metcalfe, GP Arnold, JD Reynolds
Journal of animal ecology, 377-385, 2004
Seasonal migration of thornback rays and implications for closure management
E Hunter, F Berry, AA Buckley, C Stewart, JD Metcalfe
Journal of Applied Ecology, 710-720, 2006
Geolocation of free-ranging fish on the European continental shelf as determined from environmental variables: I. Tidal location method
E Hunter, JN Aldridge, JD Metcalfe, GP Arnold
Marine Biology 142, 601-609, 2003
Do tagging experiments tell the truth? Using electronic tags to evaluate conventional tagging data
LJ Bolle, E Hunter, AD Rijnsdorp, MA Pastoors, JD Metcalfe, JD Reynolds
ICES Journal of Marine Science 62 (2), 236-246, 2005
Listening In on the Past: What Can Otolith δ18O Values Really Tell Us about the Environmental History of Fishes?
AM Darnaude, A Sturrock, CN Trueman, D Mouillot, EIMF, SE Campana, ...
PloS one 9 (10), e108539, 2014
Biology of the European spiny lobster, Palinurus elephas (Fabricius, 1787)(decapoda, palinuridea)
Crustaceana 72 (6), 545-565, 1999
Otolith shape and size: the importance of age when determining indices for fish-stock separation
J Mapp, E Hunter, J Van Der Kooij, S Songer, M Fisher
Fisheries Research 190, 43-52, 2017
Vertical activity patterns of free-swimming adult plaice in the southern North Sea
E Hunter, JD Metcalfe, CM O¹Brien, GP Arnold, JD Reynolds
Marine Ecology Progress Series 279, 261-273, 2004
Geolocation of free-ranging fish on the European continental shelf as determined from environmental variables II. Reconstruction of plaice ground tracks
E Hunter, JD Metcalfe, BH Holford, GP Arnold
Marine Biology 144, 787-798, 2004
The influence of temperature, food ration and genotype on zooid size in Celleporella hyalina (L.)
E Hunter, RN Hughes
Olsen & Olsen, 1994
Jellyfish on the menu: mtDNA assay reveals scyphozoan predation in the Irish Sea
PD Lamb, E Hunter, JK Pinnegar, S Creer, RG Davies, MI Taylor
Royal Society open science 4 (11), 171421, 2017
Are spatial closures better than size limits for halting the decline of the North Sea thornback ray, Raja clavata?
J Wiegand, E Hunter, NK Dulvy
Marine and Freshwater Research 62 (6), 722-733, 2011
The migratory behaviour of North Sea plaice: currents, clocks and clues
JD Metcalfe, E Hunter, AA Buckley
Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 39 (1), 25-36, 2006
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Articles 1–20