Iman Ghamarian
Iman Ghamarian
Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Oklahoma
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Microstructural control of additively manufactured metallic materials
PC Collins, DA Brice, P Samimi, I Ghamarian, HL Fraser
Annual Review of Materials Research 46 (1), 63-91, 2016
Predicting tensile properties of Ti-6Al-4V produced via directed energy deposition
BJ Hayes, BW Martin, B Welk, SJ Kuhr, TK Ales, DA Brice, I Ghamarian, ...
Acta Materialia 133, 120-133, 2017
Progress Toward an Integration of Process–Structure–Property–Performance Models for “Three-Dimensional (3-D) Printing” of Titanium Alloys
PC Collins, CV Haden, I Ghamarian, BJ Hayes, T Ales, G Penso, V Dixit, ...
JOM 66 (7), 1299-1309, 2014
Development and application of a novel precession electron diffraction technique to quantify and map deformation structures in highly deformed materials—as applied to …
I Ghamarian, Y Liu, P Samimi, PC Collins
Acta Materialia 79, 203-215, 2014
Oxidation behavior and microstructural decomposition of Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-4V-1B sheet
DA Brice, P Samimi, I Ghamarian, Y Liu, RM Brice, RF Reidy, JD Cotton, ...
Corrosion Science 112, 338-346, 2016
Developing a phenomenological equation to predict yield strength from composition and microstructure in β processed Ti-6Al-4V
I Ghamarian, B Hayes, P Samimi, BA Welk, HL Fraser, PC Collins
Materials Science and Engineering: A 660, 172-180, 2016
Microscale phase field modeling of the martensitic transformation during cyclic loading of NiTi single crystal
SE Esfahani, I Ghamarian, VI Levitas, PC Collins
International Journal of Solids and Structures 146, 80-96, 2018
Hierarchical density-based cluster analysis framework for atom probe tomography data
I Ghamarian, EA Marquis
Ultramicroscopy 200, 28-38, 2019
Sensitization and remediation effects on environmentally assisted cracking of Al-Mg naval alloys
M Seifi, I Ghamarian, P Samimi, PC Collins, NJH Holroyd, ...
Corrosion Science 138, 219-241, 2018
A constitutive equation relating composition and microstructure to properties in Ti-6Al-4V: as derived using a novel integrated computational approach
I Ghamarian, P Samimi, V Dixit, PC Collins
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46, 5021-5037, 2015
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti‐48Al‐2Cr‐2Nb Manufactured Via Electron Beam Melting
M Seifi, I Ghamarian, P Samimi, U Ackelid, P Collins, J Lewandowski
Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Titanium, 1317-1322, 2016
Determination of the five parameter grain boundary character distribution of nanocrystalline alpha-zirconium thin films using transmission electron microscopy
I Ghamarian, P Samimi, GS Rohrer, PC Collins
Acta Materialia 130, 164-176, 2017
An Investigation on the role of crystallographic texture on anisotropic electrochemical behavior of a commercially pure nickel manufactured by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF …
H Torbati-Sarraf, I Ghamarian, B Poorganji, SA Torbati-Sarraf
Electrochimica Acta 354, 136694, 2020
Strain-induced multivariant martensitic transformations: A scale-independent simulation of interaction between localized shear bands and microstructure
SE Esfahani, I Ghamarian, VI Levitas
Acta Materialia 196, 430-443, 2020
Scale-free modeling of coupled evolution of discrete dislocation bands and multivariant martensitic microstructure
VI Levitas, SE Esfahani, I Ghamarian
Physical review letters 121 (20), 205701, 2018
A new combinatorial approach to assess the influence of alloy composition on the oxidation behavior and concurrent oxygen-induced phase transformations for binary Ti–xCr alloys …
P Samimi, Y Liu, I Ghamarian, DA Brice, PC Collins
Corrosion Science 97, 150-160, 2015
A novel tool to assess the influence of alloy composition on the oxidation behavior and concurrent oxygen-induced phase transformations for binary Ti–xMo alloys at 650 C
P Samimi, Y Liu, I Ghamarian, PC Collins
Corrosion science 89, 295-306, 2014
On the eutectoid transformation behavior of the Ti-Zn system and its metastable phases
DA Brice, P Samimi, I Ghamarian, Y Liu, MY Mendoza, MJ Kenney, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 718, 22-27, 2017
Variant selection in laser powder bed fusion of non-spherical Ti-6Al-4V powder
M Asherloo, Z Wu, JEC Sabisch, I Ghamarian, AD Rollett, A Mostafaei
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 147, 56-67, 2023
Characterization of the near-surface nanocrystalline microstructure of ultrasonically treated Ti-6Al-4V using ASTAR™/precession electron diffraction technique
I Ghamarian, P Samimi, A Telang, VK Vasudevan, PC Collins
Materials Science and Engineering: A 688, 524-531, 2017
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Articles 1–20