Tahmid Latif, PhD
Cited by
Cited by
Sound localization sensors for search and rescue biobots
T Latif, E Whitmire, T Novak, A Bozkurt
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (10), 3444-3453, 2016
Wearable heart rate sensor systems for wireless canine health monitoring
R Brugarolas, T Latif, J Dieffenderfer, K Walker, S Yuschak, BL Sherman, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (10), 3454-3464, 2016
Line following terrestrial insect biobots
T Latif, A Bozkurt
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2012 34th Annual …, 2012
Kinect-based system for automated control of terrestrial insect biobots
E Whitmire, T Latif, A Bozkurt
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2013 35th Annual …, 2013
Biobotic motion and behavior analysis in response to directional neurostimulation
A Dirafzoon, T Latif, F Gong, M Sichitiu, A Bozkurt, E Lobaton
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2017 IEEE International …, 2017
Towards fenceless boundaries for solar powered insect biobots
T Latif, E Whitmire, T Novak, A Bozkurt
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual …, 2014
Analysis of EEG and EMG signals for detection of Sleep Disordered Breathing events
MR Azim, SA Haque, MS Amin, T Latif
International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (ICECE 2010 …, 2010
Biobotic insect swarm-based sensor networks for search and rescue
A Bozkurt, E Lobaton, M Sichitiu, T Hedrick, T Latif, A Dirafzoon, ...
SPIE Defense+ Security. International Society for Optics and Photonics …, 2014
Roach Biobots: Toward Reliability and Optimization of Control
T Latif, A Bozkurt
IEEE pulse 8 (5), 27-30, 2017
A study on motion mode identification for cyborg roaches
J Cole, F Mohammadzadeh, C Bollinger, T Latif, A Bozkurt, E Lobaton
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2017 IEEE International …, 2017
Acoustic sensors for biobotic search and rescue
E Whitmire, T Latif, A Bozkurt
SENSORS, 2014 IEEE, 2195-2198, 2014
Design of a cost-effective EMG driven bionic leg
T Latif, CM Ellahi, TA Choudhury, KS Rabbani
2008 International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 80-85, 2008
Characterization of RSS variability for biobot localization using 802.15. 4 Radios
H Xiong, T Latif, E Lobaton, A Bozkurt, ML Sichitiu
Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks (WiSNet), 2016 IEEE Topical Conference …, 2016
A wireless system for longitudinal assessment of tissue-electrode interface in biobots
T Latif, A Bozkurt
Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 2015 IEEE, 1-4, 2015
Spectral analysis of human sleep EEG signal
MS Amin, MR Azim, T Latif, MA Hoque, FM Hasan
2010 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing Systems 3, V3-106-V3-110, 2010
In vitro electrochemical assessment of electrodes for neurostimulation in roach biobots
T Latif, M McKnight, MD Dickey, A Bozkurt
PloS one 13 (10), e0203880, 2018
Using liquid metal alloy (EGaIn) to electrochemically enhance SS stimulation electrodes for biobotic applications
T Latif, F Gong, M Dickey, M Sichitiu, A Bozkurt
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2016 IEEE 38th Annual …, 2016
Preliminary statistical assessment towards characterization of biobotic control
T Latif, M Yang, E Lobaton, A Bozkurt
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2016 IEEE 38th Annual …, 2016
Towards acoustic localization for biobotic sensor networks
H Xiong, T Agcayazi, T Latif, A Bozkurt, ML Sichitiu
2017 IEEE SENSORS, 1-3, 2017
Tissue-Electrode Interface Characterization for Optimization of Biobotic Control of Roach-bots
T Latif
North Carolina State University, 2017
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Articles 1–20