Keaton Hamm
Keaton Hamm
University of Texas at Arlington Department of Mathematics, Division of Data Science
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Graph spanners: A tutorial review
R Ahmed, G Bodwin, FD Sahneh, K Hamm, MJL Jebelli, S Kobourov, ...
Computer Science Review 37, 100253, 2020
Robust CUR decomposition: Theory and imaging applications
HQ Cai, K Hamm, L Huang, D Needell
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 14 (4), 1472-1503, 2021
Rapid robust principal component analysis: CUR accelerated inexact low rank estimation
HQ Cai, K Hamm, L Huang, J Li, T Wang
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 28, 116-120, 2020
CUR decompositions, similarity matrices, and subspace clustering
A Aldroubi, K Hamm, AB Koku, A Sekmen
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 4, 65, 2019
Perspectives on CUR decompositions
K Hamm, L Huang
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 48 (3), 1088-1099, 2020
Mode-wise tensor decompositions: Multi-dimensional generalizations of CUR decompositions
HQ Cai, K Hamm, L Huang, D Needell
Journal of machine learning research 22 (185), 1-36, 2021
Perturbations of CUR decompositions
K Hamm, L Huang
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 42 (1), 351-375, 2021
Stability of sampling for CUR decompositions
K Hamm, L Huang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.02774, 2020
Approximation rates for interpolation of Sobolev functions via Gaussians and allied functions
K Hamm
Journal of Approximation Theory 189, 101-122, 2015
Wassmap: Wasserstein isometric mapping for image manifold learning
K Hamm, N Henscheid, S Kang
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 5 (2), 475-501, 2023
Nonuniform sampling and recovery of bandlimited functions in higher dimensions
K Hamm
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 450 (2), 1459-1478, 2017
Cardinal interpolation with general multiquadrics
K Hamm, J Ledford
Advances in Computational Mathematics 42, 1149-1186, 2016
Linearized wasserstein dimensionality reduction with approximation guarantees
A Cloninger, K Hamm, V Khurana, C Moosmüller
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 74, 101718, 2025
Riemannian CUR decompositions for robust principal component analysis
K Hamm, M Meskini, HQ Cai
Topological, Algebraic and Geometric Learning Workshops 2022, 152-160, 2022
Approximation algorithms and an integer program for multi-level graph spanners
R Ahmed, K Hamm, MJ Latifi Jebelli, S Kobourov, FD Sahneh, R Spence
International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, 541-562, 2019
Cardinal interpolation with general multiquadrics: convergence rates
K Hamm, J Ledford
Advances in Computational Mathematics 44, 1205-1233, 2018
On the structure and interpolation properties of quasi shift-invariant spaces
K Hamm, J Ledford
Journal of Functional Analysis 274 (7), 1959-1992, 2018
Multi-level weighted additive spanners
R Ahmed, G Bodwin, FD Sahneh, K Hamm, S Kobourov, R Spence
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.05831, 2021
On additive spanners in weighted graphs with local error
R Ahmed, G Bodwin, K Hamm, S Kobourov, R Spence
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 47th International Workshop …, 2021
Kruskal-based approximation algorithm for the multi-level Steiner tree problem
R Ahmed, FD Sahneh, K Hamm, S Kobourov, R Spence
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.06421, 2020
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Articles 1–20