Jose Fernando Gil
Jose Fernando Gil
Posdoctoral Plant Virology
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When is it biological control? A framework of definitions, mechanisms, and classifications
JA Stenberg, I Sundh, PG Becher, C Björkman, M Dubey, PA Egan, ...
Journal of Pest Science 94 (3), 665-676, 2021
A framework for the evaluation of biosecurity, commercial, regulatory, and scientific impacts of plant viruses and viroids identified by NGS technologies
S Massart, T Candresse, J Gil, C Lacomme, L Predajna, M Ravnikar, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 45, 2017
Potato mop-top virus co-opts the stress sensor HIPP26 for long-distance movement
GH Cowan, AG Roberts, S Jones, P Kumar, PB Kalyandurg, JF Gil, ...
Plant Physiology 176 (3), 2052-2070, 2018
Incidence of potyvirus and molecular characterization of PVY in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) growing regions of Colombia
JF Gil, JM Cotes, M Marín
Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología 13 (1), 85-93, 2011
Genotypic characterization of Colombian isolates of Potato mop-top virus (PMTV, Pomovirus)
JF Gil, PA Gutiérrez, JM Cotes, EP González, M Marín
Actualidades Biológicas 33 (94), 69-84, 2011
Molecular and biological characterization of Potato mop‐top virus (PMTV, Pomovirus) isolates from the potato‐growing regions of Colombia
JF Gil, I Adams, N Boonham, SL Nielsen, M Nicolaisen
Plant Pathology 65 (7), 1210-1220, 2016
Massive up‐regulation of LBD transcription factors and EXPANSINs highlights the regulatory programs of rhizomania disease
J Fernando Gil, S Liebe, H Thiel, BL Lennefors, T Kraft, D Gilmer, E Maiss, ...
Molecular Plant Pathology 19 (10), 2333-2348, 2018
Identificación de Potyvirus en cultivos de tomate de árbol (Polanum Betaceum Cav.) en Antioquia mediante detección serológica
JFG Ramírez, MLA Vásquez, MM Montoya, EPG Jaimes
Revista Politécnica 5 (8), 112-120, 2009
Viruses in extreme environments, current overview, and biotechnological potential
JF Gil, V Mesa, N Estrada-Ortiz, M Lopez-Obando, A Gómez, J Plácido
Viruses 13 (1), 81, 2021
Detection and molecular characterization of Potato virus X (PVX) in potato-growing regions of Colombia.
JF Gil Ramírez, JM Cotes Torres, M Marín Montoya
Comparative Transcriptome Analysis Provides Molecular Insights into the Interaction of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus and Beet soil-borne mosaic virus with Their …
J Fernando Gil, D Wibberg, O Eini, EI Savenkov, M Varrelmann, S Liebe
Viruses 12 (1), 76, 2020
The extreme biology of meteorites: their role in understanding the origin and distribution of life on Earth and in the Universe
NN Lee, J Fritz, MD Fries, JF Gil, A Beck, A Pellinen-Wannberg, B Schmitz, ...
Adaption of Microbial Life to Environmental Extremes: Novel Research Results …, 2017
Detección serológica y caracterización molecular de Potato virus S (PVS, Carlavirus) en cultivos de papa de Colombia
JF Gil, JM Cotes, M Marín
Revista de Biología Tropical 61 (2), 565-575, 2013
Incidencia visual de síntomas asociados a enfermedades virales en cultivos de papa de Colombia
MA Marin, JM Cotes, JF Gil
Biotecnología en el sector agropecuario y agroindustrial 11 (2), 101-110, 2013
Molecular and pathobiological characterization of 61 Potato mop‐top virus full‐length cDNAs reveals great variability of the virus in the centre of potato …
P Kalyandurg, JF Gil, NI Lukhovitskaya, B Flores, G Müller, ...
Molecular plant pathology 18 (6), 864-877, 2017
Molecular and biological characterisation of two novel pomo-like viruses associated with potato (Solanum tuberosum) fields in Colombia
JF Gil, I Adams, N Boonham, SL Nielsen, M Nicolaisen
Archives of virology 161, 1601-1610, 2016
Diagnóstico y caracterización molecular de virus asociados al cultivo de la papa en Colombia, con énfasis en el virus mop-top (PMTV, Pomovirus)[Tesis de Maestría]
JF Gil, M Marin, JM Cotes
Medellín: Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2010
Incidencia y caracterización molecular del Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) en las principales regiones productoras de papa de Colombia
JF Gil Ramírez, JM Cotes Torres, M Marín Montoya
Fitosanidad 15 (1), 17-24, 2011
Detección serológica y molecular de virus en cultivos de papa de tres regiones de Antioquia
JF Gil, M Quintero, EP González, JM Cotes, M Marín, ASCOLFI
Memorias 29 Congreso Nacional de Fitopatología y Ciencias Afines. Medellín …, 2009
Virus asociados a la enfermedad de la virosis del tomate de árbol (Solanum betaceum) en los departamentos de Nariño y Putumayo de Colombia
JE Martínez, JF Gil, ML Ayala, M Jaramillo, V Rodríguez, LE Lagos, ...
XV Congreso Latinoamericano y XVIII Congreso Chileno de Fitopatología …, 2009
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Articles 1–20