Lauren Coad
Cited by
Cited by
Effectiveness of terrestrial protected areas in reducing habitat loss and population declines
J Geldmann, M Barnes, L Coad, ID Craigie, M Hockings, ND Burgess
Biological Conservation 161, 230-238, 2013
Capacity shortfalls hinder the performance of marine protected areas globally
DA Gill, MB Mascia, GN Ahmadia, L Glew, SE Lester, M Barnes, I Craigie, ...
Nature 543 (7647), 665-669, 2017
Evidence for shifting baseline syndrome in conservation
SK Papworth, J Rist, L Coad, EJ Milner‐Gulland
Conservation letters 2 (2), 93-100, 2009
A global-level assessment of the effectiveness of protected areas at resisting anthropogenic pressures
J Geldmann, A Manica, ND Burgess, L Coad, A Balmford
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (46), 23209-23215, 2019
The costs and benefits of protected areas for local livelihoods: a review of the current literature
L Coad, A Campbell, L Miles, K Humphries
UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, UK, 2008
Extent and ecological consequences of hunting in Central African rainforests in the twenty-first century
KA Abernethy, L Coad, G Taylor, ME Lee, F Maisels
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 …, 2013
Global analysis of the protection status of the world’s forests
CB Schmitt, ND Burgess, L Coad, A Belokurov, C Besançon, L Boisrobert, ...
Biological Conservation 142 (10), 2122-2130, 2009
Widespread shortfalls in protected area resourcing undermine efforts to conserve biodiversity
L Coad, JEM Watson, J Geldmann, ND Burgess, F Leverington, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17 (5), 259-264, 2019
An assessment of threats to terrestrial protected areas
K Schulze, K Knights, L Coad, J Geldmann, F Leverington, A Eassom, ...
Conservation Letters 11 (3), e12435, 2018
Changes in protected area management effectiveness over time: A global analysis
J Geldmann, L Coad, M Barnes, ID Craigie, M Hockings, K Knights, ...
Biological Conservation 191, 692-699, 2015
Measuring impact of protected area management interventions: current and future use of the Global Database of Protected Area Management Effectiveness
L Coad, F Leverington, K Knights, J Geldmann, A Eassom, V Kapos, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370 …, 2015
Operationalizing social safeguards in REDD+: actors, interests and ideas
CL McDermott, L Coad, A Helfgott, H Schroeder
Environmental Science & Policy 21, 63-72, 2012
A global analysis of management capacity and ecological outcomes in terrestrial protected areas
J Geldmann, L Coad, MD Barnes, ID Craigie, S Woodley, A Balmford, ...
Conservation Letters 11 (3), e12434, 2018
Leopard prey choice in the Congo Basin rainforest suggests exploitative competition with human bushmeat hunters
P Henschel, LTB Hunter, L Coad, KA Abernethy, M Muehlenberg
Journal of zoology 285 (1), 11-20, 2011
The lion in West Africa is critically endangered
P Henschel, L Coad, C Burton, B Chataigner, A Dunn, D MacDonald, ...
PLoS One 9 (1), e83500, 2014
More than $1 billion needed annually to secure Africa’s protected areas with lions
PA Lindsey, JRB Miller, LS Petracca, L Coad, AJ Dickman, KH Fitzgerald, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (45), E10788-E10796, 2018
Deforestation in an African biodiversity hotspot: Extent, variation and the effectiveness of protected areas
JMH Green, C Larrosa, ND Burgess, A Balmford, A Johnston, BP Mbilinyi, ...
Biological Conservation 164, 62-72, 2013
Distribution and use of income from bushmeat in a rural village, central Gabon
L Coad, K Abernethy, A Balmford, A Manica, L Airey, ...
Conservation biology 24 (6), 1510-1518, 2010
The effectiveness of contrasting protected areas in preventing deforestation in Madre de Dios, Peru
AJ Vuohelainen, L Coad, TR Marthews, Y Malhi, TJ Killeen
Environmental management 50, 645-663, 2012
Wild meat is still on the menu: Progress in wild meat research, policy, and practice from 2002 to 2020
DJ Ingram, L Coad, EJ Milner-Gulland, L Parry, D Wilkie, MI Bakarr, ...
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 46 (1), 221-254, 2021
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