Jacob Brix
Jacob Brix
Professor of Innovation & Management
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Cited by
Exploring knowledge creation processes as a source of organizational learning: A longitudinal case study of a public innovation project
J Brix
Scandinavian Journal of Management 33 (2), 113-127, 2017
Ambidexterity and organizational learning: revisiting and reconnecting the literatures
J Brix
The Learning Organization 26 (4), 337-351, 2019
Innovation Capacity Building: An approach to maintaining balance between exploration and exploitation in organizational learning
J Brix
The Learning Organization 26 (1), 12-26, 2019
Evaluating the outcomes of co-production in local government
J Brix, HK Krogstrup, NM Mortensen
Local Government Studies 46 (2), 169-185, 2020
Building capacity for sustainable innovation: A field study of the transition from exploitation to exploration and back again
J Brix
Journal of Cleaner Production 268, 1-12, 2020
Is point-of-care ultrasound disruptive innovation? Formulating why POCUS is different from conventional comprehensive ultrasound
J Weile, J Brix, AB Moellekaer
Critical ultrasound journal 10, 1-5, 2018
Organizing for inter-organizational learning in service networks
JP Peronard, J Brix
The Learning Organization 26 (3), 267-288, 2019
Co-produktion i den offentlige sektor - Brugerinvolvering i Kvalitetsudvikling
HK Krogstrup, J Brix
Hans Reitzels Forlag, Købehavn, 2019
The learning organization and organizational learning in the public sector: a review and research agenda
A Anand, J Brix
The Learning Organization 22 (2), 2022
Critical Realism and Organizational Learning
LB Kringelum, J Brix
Learning Organization 28 (1), 32-45, 2021
Reshaping the hybrid role of public servants: Identifying the opportunity space for co-production and the enabling skills required by professional co-producers
NM Mortensen, J Brix, HK Krogstrup
The palgrave handbook of the public servant, 937-953, 2021
Learning styles and organisational development in practice: an exploratory study of how learning styles and individual learning strategies can facilitate organisational development
J Brix, KM Lauridsen
International Journal of Innovation and Learning 12 (2), 181-196, 2012
Corporate creativity: introducing the Creative Idea Solution© framework
J Brix, HS Jakobsen
International Journal of Innovation and Learning 13 (4), 388-405, 2013
Business model pretotyping: exploring pre-commercialisation opportunities in practice
J Brix, HS Jakobsen
International Journal of Innovation and Learning 17 (1), 98-110, 2015
Sensemaking in collaborative networks: Creating and balancing activities in open business models
JP Peronard, J Brix
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 22 (6 …, 2018
Fail forward: Mitigating failure in energy research and innovation
J Brix
Energy Research & Social Science 7, 66-77, 2015
Exploring an innovation project as a source of change in organization design
J Brix, LS Peters
Journal of Organization Design 4 (1), 29-43, 2015
Improving individual knowledge construction and re-construction in the context of radical innovation
J Brix
International Journal of Innovation and Learning 15 (2), 192-209, 2014
Metaverse and Society 5.0: Pivotal for future business model innovation
CAFG Rosenstand, J Brix, C Nielsen
Journal of Business Models 11 (3), 62-76, 2023
The performance-improving benefits of a radical innovation initiative
J Brix, LS Peters
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 2015
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Articles 1–20