Anne Ingeborg Myhr
Anne Ingeborg Myhr
NORCE Norwegian Research Center
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Strategies and hurdles using DNA vaccines to fish
LB Hølvold, AI Myhr, RA Dalmo
Veterinary research 45, 1-11, 2014
Sustainable aquaculture: are we getting there? Ethical perspectives on salmon farming
I Olesen, AI Myhr, GK Rosendal
Journal of agricultural and environmental ethics 24, 381-408, 2011
The precautionary principle: Scientific uncertainty and omitted research in the context of GMO use and release
AI Myhr, T Traavik
Journal of agricultural and environmental ethics 15, 73-86, 2002
Genetically modified (GM) crops: precautionary science and conflicts of interests
AI Myhr, T Traavik
Journal of agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16, 227-247, 2003
Revisiting risk governance of GM plants: the need to consider new and emerging gene-editing techniques
SZ Agapito-Tenfen, AS Okoli, MJ Bernstein, OG Wikmark, AI Myhr
Frontiers in plant science 9, 1874, 2018
Scientific dishonesty—a nationwide survey of doctoral students in Norway
B Hofmann, AI Myhr, S Holm
BMC medical ethics 14, 1-9, 2013
DNA vaccines: regulatory considerations and safety aspects
AI Myhr
Current issues in molecular biology 22 (1), 79-88, 2017
Introduction of genetic engineering in aquaculture: Ecological and ethical implications for science and governance
AI Myhr, RA Dalmo
Aquaculture 250 (3-4), 542-554, 2005
Sustainable use of CRISPR/Cas in fish aquaculture: the biosafety perspective
AS Okoli, T Blix, AI Myhr, W Xu, X Xu
Transgenic Research 31 (1), 1-21, 2022
Genome editing on finfish: current status and implications for sustainability
TB Blix, RA Dalmo, A Wargelius, AI Myhr
Reviews in Aquaculture 13 (4), 2344-2363, 2021
Non-safety assessments of genome-edited organisms: should they be included in regulation?
BK Myskja, AI Myhr
Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5), 2601-2627, 2020
We have never been ELSI researchers–there is no need for a post-ELSI shift
BK Myskja, R Nydal, AI Myhr
Life Sciences, Society and Policy 10, 1-17, 2014
“The worth of a wildflower”: Precautionary perspectives on the environmental risk of GMOs
I Aslaksen, AI Myhr
Ecological Economics 60 (3), 489-497, 2007
Socio-economic research on genetically modified crops: A study of the literature
G Catacora-Vargas, R Binimelis, AI Myhr, B Wynne
Agriculture and Human Values 35, 489-513, 2018
A precautionary approach to genetically modified organisms: challenges and implications for policy and science
AI Myhr
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 23, 501-525, 2010
GM crops and smallholders: Biosafety and local practice
K Jacobson, AI Myhr
The Journal of Environment & Development 22 (1), 104-124, 2013
DNA vaccination in aquaculture—expert judgments of impacts on environment and fish health
F Gillund, R Dalmo, TC Tonheim, T Seternes, AI Myhr
Aquaculture 284 (1-4), 25-34, 2008
Detection of supercoiled plasmid DNA and luciferase expression in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) 535 days after injection
TC Tonheim, J Leirvik, M Løvoll, AI Myhr, J Bøgwald, RA Dalmo
Fish & Shellfish Immunology 23 (4), 867-876, 2007
Inclusion and implementation of socio-economic considerations in GMO regulations: needs and recommendations
R Binimelis, AI Myhr
Sustainability 8 (1), 62, 2016
Do uncertainty analyses reveal uncertainties? Using the introduction of DNA vaccines to aquaculture as a case
F Gillund, KA Kjølberg, MK von Krauss, AI Myhr
Science of the total environment 407 (1), 185-196, 2008
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