Linda Zangwill
Linda Zangwill
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Evaluation of retinal nerve fiber layer, optic nerve head, and macular thickness measurements for glaucoma detection using optical coherence tomography
FA Medeiros, LM Zangwill, C Bowd, RM Vessani, R Susanna Jr, ...
American journal of ophthalmology 139 (1), 44-55, 2005
Detecting early glaucoma by assessment of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and visual function
C Bowd, LM Zangwill, CC Berry, EZ Blumenthal, C Vasile, ...
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 42 (9), 1993-2003, 2001
Comparison of the gdx vcc scanning laser polarimeter, hrt ii confocalscanning laser ophthalmoscope, and stratus oct optical coherence tomographfor the detection of glaucoma
FA Medeiros, LM Zangwill, C Bowd, RN Weinreb
Archives of ophthalmology 122 (6), 827-837, 2004
Scanning laser polarimetry to measure the nerve fiber layer of normal and glaucomatous eyes
RN Weinreb, S Shakiba, L Zangwill
American journal of ophthalmology 119 (5), 627-636, 1995
Reproducibility of nerve fiber layer thickness measurements by use of optical coherence tomography
EZ Blumenthal, JM Williams, RN Weinreb, CA Girkin, CC Berry, ...
Ophthalmology 107 (12), 2278-2282, 2000
The retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in ocular hypertensive, normal, and glaucomatous eyes with optical coherence tomography
C Bowd, RN Weinreb, JM Williams, LM Zangwill
Archives of ophthalmology 118 (1), 22-26, 2000
Discriminating between normal and glaucomatous eyes using the Heidelberg retina tomograph, GDx nerve fiber analyzer, and optical coherence tomograph
LM Zangwill, C Bowd, CC Berry, J Williams, EZ Blumenthal, ...
Archives of ophthalmology 119 (7), 985-993, 2001
Optical coherence tomography angiography vessel density in healthy, glaucoma suspect, and glaucoma eyes
A Yarmohammadi, LM Zangwill, A Diniz-Filho, MH Suh, PI Manalastas, ...
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 57 (9), OCT451-OCT459, 2016
Relationship between optical coherence tomography angiography vessel density and severity of visual field loss in glaucoma
A Yarmohammadi, LM Zangwill, A Diniz-Filho, MH Suh, S Yousefi, ...
Ophthalmology 123 (12), 2498-2508, 2016
Imaging of the optic disc and retinal nerve fiber layer: the effects of age, optic disc area, refractive error, and gender
C Bowd, LM Zangwill, EZ Blumenthal, C Vasile, AG Boehm, PA Gokhale, ...
JOSA A 19 (1), 197-207, 2002
Corneal thickness as a risk factor for visual field loss in patients with preperimetric glaucomatous optic neuropathy
FA Medeiros, PA Sample, LM Zangwill, C Bowd, M Aihara, RN Weinreb
American journal of ophthalmology 136 (5), 805-813, 2003
Primary open-angle glaucoma in blacks: a review
L Racette, MR Wilson, LM Zangwill, RN Weinreb, PA Sample
Survey of ophthalmology 48 (3), 295-313, 2003
Corneal hysteresis as a risk factor for glaucoma progression: a prospective longitudinal study
FA Medeiros, D Meira-Freitas, R Lisboa, TM Kuang, LM Zangwill, ...
Ophthalmology 120 (8), 1533-1540, 2013
Diurnal intraocular pressure variations: an analysis of 690 diurnal curves.
R David, L Zangwill, D Briscoe, M Dagan, R Yagev, Y Yassur
British Journal of Ophthalmology 76 (5), 280-283, 1992
The African descent and glaucoma evaluation study (ADAGES): design and baseline data
PA Sample, CA Girkin, LM Zangwill, S Jain, L Racette, LM Becerra, ...
Archives of ophthalmology 127 (9), 1136-1145, 2009
Detection of early glaucomatous structural damage with confocal scanning laser tomography
R Bathija, L Zangwill, CC Berry, PA Sample, RN Weinreb
Journal of glaucoma 7 (2), 121-127, 1998
Performance of deep learning architectures and transfer learning for detecting glaucomatous optic neuropathy in fundus photographs
M Christopher, A Belghith, C Bowd, JA Proudfoot, MH Goldbaum, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 16685, 2018
Detection of glaucoma with scanning laser polarimetry
RN Weinreb, L Zangwill, CC Berry, R Bathija, PA Sample
Archives of ophthalmology 116 (12), 1583-1589, 1998
Reproducibility of RTVue retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and optic disc measurements and agreement with Stratus optical coherence tomography measurements
AO González-García, G Vizzeri, C Bowd, FA Medeiros, LM Zangwill, ...
American journal of ophthalmology 147 (6), 1067-1074. e1, 2009
The structure and function relationship in glaucoma: implications for detection of progression and measurement of rates of change
FA Medeiros, LM Zangwill, C Bowd, K Mansouri, RN Weinreb
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 53 (11), 6939-6946, 2012
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Articles 1–20