Agnes Gruenerbl
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Smartphone-based recognition of states and state changes in bipolar disorder patients
A Gruenerbl, A Muaremi, V Osmani, G Bahle, S Oehler, G Tröster, ...
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 19 (1), 140-148, 2015
Mobile phones as medical devices in mental disorder treatment: an overview
F Gravenhorst, A Muaremi, J Bardram, A Grünerbl, O Mayora, G Wurzer, ...
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 19, 335-353, 2015
Using smart phone mobility traces for the diagnosis of depressive and manic episodes in bipolar patients
A Gruenerbl, V Osmani, G Bahle, JC Carrasco, S Oehler, O Mayora, ...
Proceedings of the 5th augmented human international conference, 1-8, 2014
Monitoring activity of patients with bipolar disorder using smart phones
V Osmani, A Maxhuni, A Grünerbl, P Lukowicz, C Haring, O Mayora
Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing …, 2013
Smartphones in mental health: detecting depressive and manic episodes
V Osmani, A Gruenerbl, G Bahle, C Haring, P Lukowicz, O Mayora
IEEE Pervasive Computing 14 (3), 10-13, 2015
Assessing bipolar episodes using speech cues derived from phone calls
A Muaremi, F Gravenhorst, A Grünerbl, B Arnrich, G Tröster
International symposium on pervasive computing paradigms for mental health …, 2014
Towards smart phone based monitoring of bipolar disorder
A Grünerbl, P Oleksy, G Bahle, C Haring, J Weppner, P Lukowicz
Proceedings of the Second ACM Workshop on Mobile Systems, Applications, and …, 2012
Smart-watch life saver: smart-watch interactive-feedback system for improving bystander CPR
A Gruenerbl, G Pirkl, E Monger, M Gobbi, P Lukowicz
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM international symposium on wearable computers, 19-26, 2015
3D image segmentation using combined shape-intensity prior models
KD Fritscher, A Grünerbl, R Schubert
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 1, 341-350, 2007
Personal health systems for bipolar disorder anecdotes, challenges and lessons learnt from monarca project
O Mayora, B Arnrich, J Bardram, C Dräger, A Finke, M Frost, S Giordano, ...
2013 7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for …, 2013
Trabecular bone analysis in CT and X-ray images of the proximal femur for the assessment of local bone quality
K Fritscher, A Grunerbl, M Hanni, N Suhm, C Hengg, R Schubert
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 28 (10), 1560-1575, 2009
Using indoor location to assess the state of dementia patients: Results and experience report from a long term, real world study
A Grunerbl, G Bahle, P Lukowicz, F Hanser
2011 Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 32-39, 2011
Correlation of significant places with self-reported state of bipolar disorder patients
M Sabatelli, V Osmani, O Mayora, A Gruenerbl, P Lukowicz
2014 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and …, 2014
Real-time visualization of electrical circuit schematics: An augmented reality experiment setup to foster representational knowledge in introductory physics education
L Lauer, M Peschel, S Malone, K Altmeyer, R Brünken, H Javaheri, ...
The Physics Teacher 58 (7), 518-519, 2020
Recognizing hospital care activities with a coat pocket worn smartphone
G Bahle, A Gruenerbl, P Lukowicz, E Bignotti, M Zeni, F Giunchiglia
6th International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services …, 2014
The benefit of activity recognition for mobile phone based nursing documentation: A wizard-of-oz study
B Altakouri, G Kortuem, A Grünerbl, K Kunze, P Lukowicz
International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC) 2010, 1-4, 2010
Design and real life deployment of a pervasive monitoring system for dementia patients
F Hanser, A Gruenerbl, C Rodegast, P Lukowicz
2008 Second International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for …, 2008
Towards a mobile galvanic skin response measurement system for mentally disordered patients
F Gravenhorst, A Muaremi, G Tröster, B Arnrich, A Gruenerbl
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Body Area Networks, 432-435, 2013
Monitoring and enhancing nurse emergency training with wearable devices
A Grünerbl, G Pirkl, M Weal, M Gobbi, P Lukowicz
Adjunct proceedings of the 2015 acm international joint conference on …, 2015
Training CPR with a wearable real time feedback system
A Gruenerbl, H Javaheri, E Monger, M Gobbi, P Lukowicz
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 44-47, 2018
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