Production of commodities by means of commodities P Sraffa Science and Society 25 (2), 1961 | 7117 | 1961 |
The Laws op Returns Under Competitive Conditions P Sraffa The economic journal 36 (144), 535-550, 1926 | 2345 | 1926 |
The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo: Volume 10, Biographical Miscellany P Sraffa | 881* | 1955 |
Dr. Hayek on money and capital P Sraffa The Economic Journal 42 (165), 42-53, 1932 | 675 | 1932 |
Sulle relazioni fra costo e quantità prodotta P Sraffa Annali di economia 2 (1), 277-328, 1925 | 659 | 1925 |
Producción de mercancías por medio de mercancías P Sraffa Barcelona: Oikos-tau,, 1966 | 402 | 1966 |
Produzione di merci a mezzo di merci: premesse a una critica della teoria economica P Sraffa (No Title), 1960 | 379 | 1960 |
Teoria da dinâmica econômica: ensaio sobre as mudanças cíclicas ea longo prazo da economia capitalista M Kalecki, P Sraffa, J Robinson Nova Cultural, 1985 | 211 | 1985 |
The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo D Ricardo, P Sraffa, MH Dobb (No Title), 1816 | 201* | 1816 |
Production de marchandises par des marchandises: prélude à une critique de la théorie économique P Sraffa (No Title), 1970 | 173 | 1970 |
Warenproduktion mittels Waren P Sraffa (No Title), 1973 | 152 | 1973 |
[Money and Capital]: A Rejoinder P Sraffa The Economic Journal 42 (166), 249-251, 1932 | 150 | 1932 |
Increasing returns and the representative firm DH Robertson, P Sraffa, DH Robertson, P Sraffa, GF Shove The Economic Journal 40 (157), 79-116, 1930 | 130 | 1930 |
An alleged correction of Ricardo P Sraffa, L Einaudi The Quarterly Journal of Economics 44 (3), 539-545, 1930 | 125 | 1930 |
The bank crisis in Italy P Sraffa The Economic Journal 32 (126), 178-197, 1922 | 119 | 1922 |
A criticism P Sraffa Alfred Marshall: Critical Assessments. Second series.... 5, 45, 1996 | 118 | 1996 |
Production of commodities: a comment P Sraffa The Economic Journal 72 (286), 477-479, 1962 | 113 | 1962 |
On the relations between cost and quantity produced P Sraffa Italian Economic Papers 3, 323-63, 1925 | 102 | 1925 |
Produção de mercadorias por meio de mercadorias P Sraffa, J Robinson Abril Cultural, 1980 | 90 | 1980 |
1951. On the principles of political economy and taxation D Ricardo The works and correspondence of David Ricardo 1, 1817 | 90 | 1817 |