Bryan O'Halloran
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Cited by
Common cause failure analysis of cyber–physical systems situated in constructed environments
S Sierla, BM O’Halloran, T Karhela, N Papakonstantinou, IY Tumer
Research in Engineering Design 24, 375-394, 2013
A zero trust hybrid security and safety risk analysis method
N Papakonstantinou, DL Van Bossuyt, J Linnosmaa, B Hale, B O’Halloran
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 21 (5), 050907, 2021
A failure modes and mechanisms naming taxonomy
BM O'Halloran, RB Stone, IY Tumer
2012 Proceedings Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1-6, 2012
The Naval Postgraduate School’s Department of Systems Engineering approach to mission engineering education through capstone projects
DL Van Bossuyt, P Beery, BM O’Halloran, A Hernandez, E Paulo
Systems 7 (3), 38, 2019
Modeling of function failure propagation across uncoupled systems
BM O'Halloran, N Papakonstantinou, DL Van Bossuyt
2015 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 1-6, 2015
A zero-trust methodology for security of complex systems with machine learning components
B Hale, DL Van Bossuyt, N Papakonstantinou, B O’Halloran
International design engineering technical conferences and computers and …, 2021
The integration of reliability, availability, and maintainability into model-based systems engineering
K Diatte, B O’Halloran, DL Van Bossuyt
Systems 10 (4), 101, 2022
Prognostic systems representation in a function-based Bayesian model during engineering design
G L’her, DL Van Bossuyt, BM O’halloran
International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management 8 (2), 2017
Simulation based machine learning for fault detection in complex systems using the functional failure identification and propagation framework
N Papakonstantinou, S Proper, B O’Halloran, IY Tumer
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2014
A simulation based approach to automate event tree generation for early complex system designs
N Papakonstantinou, S Sierla, B O’Halloran, IY Tumer
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2013
The early implementation of failure modes into existing component model libraries
BM O’Halloran, B Haley, DC Jensen, R Arlitt, IY Tumer, RB Stone
Research in Engineering Design 25, 203-221, 2014
Link between function-flow failure rates and failure modes for early design stage reliability analysis
BM O’Halloran, RB Stone, IY Tumer
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 54952, 457-467, 2011
A method of identifying and analyzing irrational system behavior in a system of systems
DL Van Bossuyt, BM O'Halloran, RM Arlitt
Systems Engineering 22 (6), 519-537, 2019
A graph theory approach to predicting functional failure propagation during conceptual systems design
BM O'Halloran, N Papakonstantinou, K Giammarco, DL Van Bossuyt
Systems Engineering 24 (2), 100-121, 2021
The early design reliability prediction method
BM O’Halloran, C Hoyle, IY Tumer, RB Stone
Research in Engineering Design 30, 489-508, 2019
A graph theory approach to functional failure propagation in early complex cyber‐physical systems (CCPSs)
BM O'Halloran, N Papakonstantinou, K Giammarco, DL Van Bossuyt
INCOSE International Symposium 27 (1), 1734-1748, 2017
The early design reliability prediction method
BM O’Halloran, C Hoyle, RB Stone, IY Tumer
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 45196 …, 2012
System-Level Reliability Analysis for Conceptual Design of Electrical Power Systems
Y Zhang, T Kurtoglu, IY Tumer, B O’Halloran
Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER), 15-16, 2011
Early hybrid safety and security risk assessment based on interdisciplinary dependency models
N Papakonstantinou, J Linnosmaa, J Alanen, AZ Bashir, B O’Halloran, ...
2019 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 1-7, 2019
Safety analysis of mechatronic product lines
S Sierla, BM O’Halloran, H Nikula, N Papakonstantinou, IY Tumer
Mechatronics 24 (3), 231-240, 2014
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Articles 1–20