Dr. Claus Rinner
Dr. Claus Rinner
Professor, Geography & Environmental Studies, Toronto Metropolitan University
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Multicriteria Decision Analysis in Geographic Information Science
J Malczewski, C Rinner
Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2015
Toronto’s urban heat island—Exploring the relationship between land use and surface temperature
C Rinner, M Hussain
Remote Sensing 3 (6), 1251-1265, 2011
The use of Web 2.0 concepts to support deliberation in spatial decision-making
C Rinner, C Keßler, S Andrulis
Computers, environment and urban systems 32 (5), 386-395, 2008
Argumentation maps-GIS-based discussion support for online planning
C Rinner
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 28(6): 847-863, 2001
Web-enabled spatial decision analysis using Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA)
C Rinner, J Malczewski
Journal of Geographical Systems 4, 385-403, 2002
Exploring multicriteria decision strategies in GIS with linguistic quantifiers: A case study of residential quality evaluation
J Malczewski, C Rinner
Journal of Geographical Systems 7, 249-268, 2005
A geographic visualization approach to multi‐criteria evaluation of urban quality of life
C Rinner
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 21 (8), 907-919, 2007
Web-based spatial decision support: status and research directions
C Rinner
Journal of Geographic Information and Decision Analysis 7(1): 14-31, 2003
Evaluating community engagement through argumentation maps-a public participation GIS case study
C Rinner, M Bird
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 36(4): 588-601, 2009
The role of maps in neighborhood-level heat vulnerability assessment for the city of Toronto
C Rinner, D Patychuk, K Bassil, S Nasr, S Gower, M Campbell
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 37 (1), 31-44, 2010
Patterns of urban violent injury: a spatio-temporal analysis
M Cusimano, S Marshall, C Rinner, D Jiang, M Chipman
PloS one 5 (1), e8669, 2010
Personalized multi-criteria decision strategies in location-based decision support
C Rinner, M Raubal
Annals of GIS 10 (2), 149-156, 2004
Mapping in Collaborative Spatial Decision Making
C Rinner
In S. Dragicevic, S. Balram (Eds.): Collaborative GIS. Idea Group Publishing …, 2006
A systems perspective on volunteered geographic information
V Fast, C Rinner
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 3 (4), 1278-1292, 2014
Analyzing the usability of an argumentation map as a participatory spatial decision support tool
CL Sidlar, C Rinner
URISA Journal 19(1): 47-55, 2007
An argumentation map prototype to support decision-making in spatial planning
C Keßler, C Rinner, M Raubal
In F. Toppen, M. Painho (eds.): Proceedings of AGILE 2005 - 8th Conference …, 2005
Introduction to GIS-MCDA
J Malczewski, C Rinner
Multicriteria Decision Analysis in Geographic Information Science, Chapter 2 …, 2015
The spatial dimensions of multi-criteria evaluation–case study of a home buyer’s spatial decision support system
C Rinner, A Heppleston
Geographic Information Science: 4th International Conference, GIScience 2006 …, 2006
Utility assessment of a map-based online geo-collaboration tool
CL Sidlar, C Rinner
Journal of environmental management 90 (6), 2020-2026, 2009
Geomatics in injury prevention: the science, the potential and the limitations
MD Cusimano, M Chipman, RH Glazier, C Rinner, SP Marshall
Injury Prevention 13 (1), 51-56, 2007
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Articles 1–20