Teresa Cadierno
Cited by
Cited by
Explicit instruction and input processing
B VanPatten, T Cadierno
Studies in second language acquisition 15 (2), 225-243, 1993
Input processing and second language acquisition: A role for instruction
B VanPatten, T Cadierno
The Modern Language Journal 77 (1), 45-57, 1993
Formal instruction from a processing perspective: An investigation into the Spanish past tense
T Cadierno
The Modern Language Journal 79 (2), 179-193, 1995
Constructing a second language: Introduction to the special section
NC Ellis, T Cadierno
Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 7 (1), 111-139, 2009
Expressing motion events in a second language: A cognitive typological perspective
T Cadierno
Cognitive linguistics, second language acquisition, and foreign language …, 2004
Motion events in Spanish L2 acquisition
T Cadierno, L Ruiz
Annual review of cognitive linguistics 4 (1), 183-216, 2006
Learning to talk about motion in a foreign language
T Cadierno
Handbook of cognitive linguistics and second language acquisition, 249-285, 2008
Motion in Danish as a second language: Does the learner’s L1 make a difference
T Cadierno
Linguistic relativity in second language acquisition: Thinking for speaking …, 2010
Usage-based perspectives on second language learning
T Cadierno, SW Eskildsen
de Gruyter 10 (9783110378528), 2015
Time and motion: Measuring the effects of the conceptual demands of tasks on second language speech production
P Robinson, T Cadierno, Y Shirai
Applied Linguistics 30 (4), 533-554, 2009
Linguistic relativity in SLA: Thinking for speaking
Z Han, T Cadierno
Multilingual Matters, 2010
Cognitive linguistics and second language acquisition: Motion events in a typological framework
T Cadierno, K Lund
Form-meaning connections in second language acquisition, 139-154, 2004
Are recurring multi-word expressions really syntactic freezes? Second language acquisition from the perspective of usage-based linguistics
SW Eskildsen, T Cadierno, M Nenonen, S Niemi
Collocations and Idioms 1, 86-99, 2007
Language typology, task complexity and the development of L2 lexicalization patterns for describing motion events
T Cadierno, P Robinson
Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 7 (1), 245-276, 2009
The Effects of Lexical and Grammatical Cues on Processing Past Temporal Reference in Second Language Input.
JF Lee, T Cadierno, WR Glass, B VanPatten
Applied Language Learning 8 (1), 1-23, 1997
Different starting points for English language learning: A comparative study of Danish and Spanish young learners
C Muñoz, T Cadierno, I Casas
Language Learning 68 (4), 1076-1109, 2018
Tracing an L2 learner's motion constructions over time: A usage‐based classroom investigation
P Li, SW Eskildsen, T Cadierno
The Modern Language Journal 98 (2), 612-628, 2014
The acquisition of Spanish grammatical aspect by Danish advanced language learners
T Cadierno
Spanish Applied Linguistics 4, 1-53, 2000
How do differences in exposure affect English language learning? A comparison of teenagers in two learning environments
C Muñoz, T Cadierno
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 11 (2), 185-212, 2021
Motion events in Danish and Spanish: A focus on form pedagogical approach
T Cadierno
Applications of Cognitive Linguistics 9, 259, 2008
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Articles 1–20